“Still is for some clubs. Some got their ‘corporate’ life and their club life.”

“Too much fuckin’ work. One ol’ lady to deal with was too fuckin’ much for me. ‘Specially the one I had.”

“Yeah, you picked a real winner, brother,” Ozzy said, remembering Bebe, Cage and Rook’s mother. Though, mother might not be the right term for her unless “fucker” was on the end of it.

“At the time I thought havin’ an ol’ lady who could suck a knob off a door was winnin’. Learned I was wrong. Good thing she could pop out boys since that ended up being the only thing worthwhile when it came to that connivin’ bitch. Worked hard to get her knocked up, then had to pay her to keep from gettin’ out the coat hanger both times.”

“Christ,” Ozzy muttered. “Didn’t realize she didn’t want the boys.”

“Bebe wanted what Bebe wanted and it wasn’t a stretched-out cunt.” Dutch grinned. “Gave it to her anyway.”

“If she didn’t want them, I’m surprised she stayed around as long as she did.”

“Bitch had it easy. I paid for everythin’. And she got to ride all the dick she wanted.”

Unfortunately, Ozzy remembered that, too. Bebe had even tried to ride his when he first became a prospect. He had been tempted to tell her he was only seventeen to get her to leave him the hell alone, but she probably wouldn’t have cared. Might have even chased him harder. The woman was goddamn crazy.

But Dutch’s ol’ lady gave Ozzy limp dick. Even if she didn’t, a prospect getting caught banging a member’s ol’ lady was a death warrant.

It also wasn’t an easy death.

“Well, think about it. Maybe somethin’ will shake loose,” Ozzy finally said.

“You gonna talk to Trip, Sig and Judge, too? They might remember that name.”

“Yeah, wanted to check with you first, but since you’re a dead fuckin’ end, I’ll hit them up after the run.”

“Might not be a dead end,” Dutch murmured, scratching at his beard.


“Got some boxes around somewhere with a shitload of old pictures. Could show her some of those to see if she recognizes her pop in any of them.”

Ozzy stared at him. “You got pics?”

“Think so. Just gotta find them. Talk to the others first, they don’t remember him, then I’ll look but ain’t gonna break a sweat if I don’t gotta. Also, talk to Stel, if this Shaylyn’s pop hung out at Pete’s, maybe she remembers the name.”

Sometimes the old man had a good idea. “Yeah, I’ll check with her, too. But again, not ’til after the run. Don’t want this fuckin’ up today’s ride. Club business can come after.”

The back door opened and Castle, one of their newer prospects, poked out his head. “Was told to come get you two.”

“You don’t look like fuckin’ Angel,” Dutch griped.

Ozzy headed toward the door Castle disappeared behind and threw over his shoulder, “She probably seen enough of those wrinkled gray-haired prunes hangin’ under your dick today.”

“Better prunes than fuckin’ raisins like yours,” was Dutch’s come-back.

“I’ll check back with you after the run before I talk with the others. Maybe something useful will spill from that fuckin’ steel trap of yours for once.”

“Everythin’ that spills from me is fuckin’ gold.”

“Yeah, maybe that’s why Castle had to come get our asses. Angel’s too busy spending all that gold you shot down her throat.”

“Yeah, she needs to thank me since she’s now a goddamn cumillionaire.”

Chapter Eight

Dutch’s steel trap must have been rusted tight and Ozzy had no other option but to talk to the sons of the Originals.

On one of the breaks during the run, he had pulled Stella aside and ran Shay’s father’s name past her, not telling her the real reason why he was asking. He didn’t want her to know just yet, in case it turned out to be nothing, so he had come up with a stupid excuse.

Since Stella only recently found out that she and Liz were half-sisters and Crazy Pete had another daughter no one knew about, he didn’t want to worry her about another daughter of an Original coming out of nowhere. Especially since she was carrying Trip’s kid now and he had no idea if it would get her upset or if getting her upset would risk that pregnancy. He knew nothing about knocked-up women—besides seeing them get overly emotional over nothing—but didn’t want to take that risk. If Trip wanted to tell her the truth later, then that was on him.

At Dino’s Diner after the run, Ozzy pulled the prez aside and said they needed the exec committee to have a quick meeting once they got back to the farm.

Trip wanted to know why, but Ozzy only shook his head and the prez ended up nodding, letting the topic go. Patience wasn’t one of his virtues, but the man was a good leader, had a good head on his shoulders and was smart enough to know not to dig until the time was right.