Christ, he didn’t fucking know.

But the whole thing was now eating at him.

The Originals were like a goddamn flesh-eating virus. Everything they had touched turned to shit.

This was why he was surprised Trip had come home to Manning Grove to resurrect the club. He had seen the devastation and it had affected not only him, but Sig, too. So, when Ozzy heard the Fury was being rebuilt from the ashes, it was why he had to see it with his own eyes.

“Are you interested in hiking the Grand Canyon with me tomorrow?”

What the fuck? “Hiking?”

“Is that a foreign word to you?”

“Fuck yeah.” He sighed. “Tell you what, once you get done with your hike and your trip down memory lane around town, you come back to the motel. I’m gonna take you to Dino’s and then for a long run on the back of my sled. Yeah?”

Her face lit up. “Yes. I would love that.”

Yeah, so would he. Plus, that would give him time to go talk to a couple of his brothers to see if they ever heard of Marshall Graham.

“I guess we’re done here?” she asked, finishing off her weaker drink.

“Yeah, we’re done here.” He placed a hand at the small of her back and steered her back through the dwindling crowd since the band had finished up for the night.

Passing the bar, he gave Dodge a chin lift, but didn’t stop until he had her out the rear door and on the back of his sled.

He took his time returning to the motel and when he pulled into the front parking area, he parked behind her Lexus. He shut it down since it was late and he didn’t want to disturb the rest of the guests by letting it idle, and they both climbed off.

“Well, that was much more fun than my class reunion. Thank you for taking me and also for teaching me to play pool.”

“Ready to go on the road and hit some tournaments.” His teasing came out flatter than he intended.

When the night began, he wasn’t expecting it to end like this. Where they both slept in different beds. That wasn’t his intent at all.

Maybe that was for the best right now. Until he knew she had no ties to the Fury. And if she did, what that all meant.

“I’d need a lot more lessons before I’m ever ready to be a pool shark.” She glanced over her shoulder to her motel room. “Well, I guess I’ll say goodnight since it’s late.”


Before he could say anything else, she got up on her tiptoes, curled her hand around the back of his neck, tipped her face up to him and pulled his down to hers.

Then she took his mouth.

Since he wasn’t a fucking idiot, he let her.

He’d been wanting to kiss her all night. Hell, more than kiss her. So, this was a good start. Unfortunately, it was over before he was ready.

“I didn’t win but I figured you wouldn’t mind me taking my prize anyway.”

Fuck no. “Since I did win, gonna take part of my prize now and the rest another time.” He hooked her around the waist, yanked her into him so hard, her tits slammed into his chest, and this time he took her mouth.

She groaned and fisted his shirt under his cut as he explored every corner of her mouth, sucked on her tongue, nipped her bottom lip, and then completely overtook her mouth again.

It wasn’t quick.

It was more than a friendly peck this time.

When she moaned into his mouth, he was tempted to drag her into her room or upstairs to his.

But he didn’t.

He used his fucking noggin for once.

Fucking her tonight before he knew who her father was could make things really fucking messy.

If it turned out no one ever heard of him, no one knew who he was, then he’d consider taking things further tomorrow night, if that was what she wanted.

But until then…

He groaned and turned his head to break their kiss before he was tempted to throw his plan out the fucking window. The quiet night air was filled with her quick pants.

She was probably just as wet as he was hard right now.

But he needed to walk away.

He needed to walk away.

For now.


“If that’s only part of your prize for winning, what’s the rest?” she asked breathlessly.

You naked, your hair loose around you, with my mouth on your cunt and my eyes on your face when you come.

Of course, that wasn’t what he fucking said. Fuck no.

“Dinner tomorrow night.” Then after that, he’d see if she wanted to be his dessert.

“I look forward to tomorrow, then.” She smiled and he noticed she began to hide it but stopped herself and she shot him an even bigger one. “Goodnight, Ozzy.”

He wanted to kick his own ass for letting her slip through his fingers tonight. He wanted to do so much more than just kiss her. So much fucking more. He was crazy for walking away from a woman who would probably let him into her bed, if he asked.