She turned her gaze from the table to him. “You act like I’m going to be playing pool again after tonight.”

“Never know.” He moved closer behind her. “What shot you gonna take?”

“The ten ball into the side pocket.”

He grinned. “You gonna do it this time?”


“All right. Ain’t gotta be pretty. Just gotta be accurate. Set your grip on your stick.”

She leaned over and put her hands like he showed her, but he still put his over hers on the handle and one on her hip. Because, fuck if he was passing up that opportunity and she didn’t seem to mind it, even when his hard-on had pressed into her ass earlier.

When she didn’t pull away before, it proved to him she wasn’t skittish about sex, but that didn’t mean she was interested.

Or at least as interested as he was.

“Don’t tense up,” he murmured.

His dick wasn’t currently hard but it wouldn’t take much to get it there. Especially when she adjusted her stance and pressed her sweet ass against him this time, instead of the other way around.

She was playing with fucking fire. If she wanted what he wanted—and he hoped to fuck she did—they could end this game right now and go play one in private.

He knew he could be pushy when he went after what he wanted and he was trying not to scare her off by only unleashing a little bit of his personality at a time. If he let her see who he was in small doses, he might be easier to swallow.

And, for fuck’s sake, he hoped it got to the point she was swallowing him.

One corner of his mouth curled up.

“Concentrate. Visualize the ball droppin’ in that pocket,” he whispered in her ear so she could hear him above the music. He kept his grip on the handle loose this time so she had more control of the shot. “Take it when you’re ready.”

She leaned over even further, jamming her ass right into his dick. He bit back a groan and breathed slowly so he wouldn’t ruin her shot.

A few seconds later, she took it. The crack of the cue ball into the ten ball gave him some hope. Amazingly enough, the ball fell right into her target, the side pocket.

He let her go and took a quick step back when she released an excited squeal and jumped up and down, almost knocking him in the face with her stick.

“Holy smokes! I did it!”

He grinned at her excitement. “Yeah, you did it. Now you get to shoot again, playa.”

She spun around and shot him a grin that got him right in the dick. “I want to do it myself this time.”

“Just don’t fuck up the felt or shoot a ball across the room and you’ll be good.”

“Well, thanks for that pressure.” She playfully stuck out her tongue at him.

Fuuuuuck. The things he wanted to do with that tongue. Or have that tongue do to him. Either way would be good with him.

More than fucking good.

Maybe he should hurry this game along. “There’s a simple shot. Take that one.”

She did what he taught her and set up the shot on her own, picked a spot on the cue ball to hit, then concentrated on the pocket beyond.

“Don’t gotta slam it,” he reminded her, “just take an easy shot. Don’t choke the stick, either.”

Her focus became laser sharp on the ball she wanted to sink into the corner pocket.

When she hesitated too long, he asked, “Need help?”

She didn’t take her eyes off the eleven ball’s destination. “I got it.”

She got it.

She certainly fucking did.

He watched as she visibly relaxed, took aim and hit the cue ball dead center, not too hard, not too soft. He held his breath as he watched it roll smoothly toward its target.

Then that fucking eleven ball fell right into its intended destination.

His breath rushed out of him when she whooped loudly and spun around with her face all lit the fuck up. She grabbed his shoulders and shook them as she yelled, “I did it!” went up on her toes and planted a kiss on his mouth.

Fuck yeah.

Unfortunately, it was only a quick peck and without that tempting tongue. Not quite what he was hoping for. He snaked an arm around her waist to pull her into him, to give her a real kiss, but she skirted away, wagging her finger at him. “Uh uh. I didn’t win yet.”

“We both might be playin’ for the same prize.” He hoped to fuck they were.

“I’m playing for a kiss. What are you playing for?”

“Mine’s gotta do with lips, too.” She didn’t have to win for him to kiss her, all she had to do was ask and he’d be glad to take her mouth.

And anything else she wanted to share.

“You know, besides stickin’ your tongue out at me, you stuck out your tongue when you took that shot.”