But he was in no rush to go anywhere right now when a woman like Shay stepped into his office. She just guaranteed he’d be sticking around for a couple more days.

He wondered what she’d think if she knew that.

Norman fucking Bates.


“You must be a really loyal employee then,” she murmured.

He barked out a laugh. “Yeah.”

She tapped a finger against her lip. Her lips were a neutral color just like her fingernails. “While searching for a place to stay, I noticed this motel doesn’t have an online presence. Most motels—actually, most businesses—have a website at the minimum, even if they don’t have any other social media. The Grove Inn doesn’t even have that. I had to do a Google search to even find the phone number so I could call to make reservations.”

He grunted, not sure what she was getting at.

“Maybe while I’m in town, I can have a word with one of the owners.”


“Well, you asked what I use my degree for. I received my B.A. in Graphic Web Design. My minor was in Web Development.”

“What’s that?”

“The short answer is, I build websites for my clients. I do a little graphic design on the side, too. So, I can make their website and design graphics for the site, as well. Or even design logos for company branding and promotional items, et cetera. The owners really need to consider it. I could even hook up the site to an online reservation system, so when someone like me checks in, their information is already loaded into your system and all you have to do is verify their payment and after a couple clicks, it’s done. It would be so much easier than trying to type all that information yourself into that computer, since your typing skills are a little,” she rolled her lips under and her eyes crinkled at the corners, “lacking.”

He swallowed down the urge to tell her where he wasn’t lacking, in both skills and elsewhere.

He eyed her up and down again. “Don’t look like no computer nerd to me.”

“What does a computer nerd look like?”

He wanted to smooth away the wrinkles from her frown. “Not you.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Do you know many?”

“Just one.”

“Does he or she look like a nerd?” Shay asked.

He tilted his head and smiled. “Just said you don’t.”

He guessed she wasn’t impressed with his flirting when she dug into her wallet again and pulled out a business card, ignoring his response. She approached the counter where he hadn’t moved from since he now sported a semi and figured it was best to hide it. She handed the card to him and he took it but didn’t read it. He couldn’t without his glasses, anyway.

“That’s my contact info. If you could pass that on, I’d appreciate it.”

Even though he hated to take his eyes off her, he finally glanced down at it and managed to make out her name. “You work for yourself?”

“Yes. I’ve built quite a bit of a client base over the years and I also get a lot of referrals from word-of-mouth.”

“Must be good then.”

“If the owners want to see examples of the work I’ve done, they can check out my website.” She leaned forward and tapped the business card he was holding. “The URL is right there.”

He didn’t give a fuck about any URL, whatever that was. “It got pictures of you on there?”


Fuck. Now his dick was talking.

He grimaced and lifted the card. “Gonna give this to them.”

She nodded. “Thanks.”

She yawned, covering it with her hand. Obviously, fake as fuck. She might be tired but she hadn’t yawned once until now.

She asked, “To the right of the office?”


“I’ll stop back in after I wake up to see if a quieter room opened up. I’m sure I’ll need one tonight.”

“You do that,” he murmured as she pushed opened the door and he watched her ass as she slipped out.

She was a bit slimmer than what he normally went for since he liked to be close to suffocating when he ate pussy. Her tits were a bit smaller than what he normally liked, too, because again, he liked to be smothered. But…

Damn, she could be his exception.

He came around the counter and stood where he could watch her out of the window. At least he wasn’t so damn desperate he was pressing his face to the glass.

But, fuck… He wasn’t planning on being in the office all day.

He wanted to take his Iron 883 out for a long run to blow off the dust. Both from him and his sled.

Now, his plans had changed.

Because when she woke up, he’d be waiting.

Just like Norman fucking Bates.

But without the knife.

Chapter Three

“I figured you went home by now,” Shay said as she entered the office, surprised to find the same man who checked her in this morning still working.