He shook his head and glared at the screen. With another curse grumbled under his breath, he reached under the counter, dragged out his reading glasses and slid them onto his face.

He could get away without wearing them most of the time, he just ended up squinting more. But when it came to the computer or trying to read instructions on the side of a frozen meal, he couldn’t go without them. The words always ended up being too blurry. When it came to typing, he always hit the wrong fucking keys.

Luckily, none of his brothers had ever seen him in his old fart readers. And he’d threatened Reilly—back when she used to live in the motel and help him out—and, more recently, Ry and Josie, that he’d bury them alive out in the woods if they said anything to anyone.

“It ain’t down. Just ain’t good with this shit…” He tried again, this time making some progress now that he could see a little more clearly. Luckily, she had a short last name, but he still managed to misspell it and another curse exploded from him before he could stop it.

“Do you mind if I come around and help? I’m really good with computers.”

He shrugged. “Yeah.”

She rounded the counter and paused since he only shifted enough to give her access to the keyboard, but still stood as close as possible. She probably wanted him to give her more space, but that wasn’t happening.

“I’m a fast typer, too,” she mentioned as she stepped closer and turned the keyboard toward her so she had better access.

“Also kinda cocky about it,” he teased, leaving his glasses on so he could read the screens of the reservation system and instruct her on what to do next.

Again, when she laughed, she dropped her head just enough so her hair covered her face.

That move tightened his jaw and he was tempted to move her hair out of the way. But since he was a stranger and a male, it would probably freak her the fuck out. He also didn’t want to risk her calling the pigs on him for touching her without consent.

But the real crime was not seeing her fucking face when she laughed. Or seeing her smile openly like Liz always did.

Fuck! Concentrate on the woman in front of you, stupid fuck, not the woman behind you.

While he didn’t touch Shay, he remained close enough to discover she smelled really fucking good. He leaned in a little closer, flared his nostrils and breathed deeply once more.

When she glanced at him, he snapped his head up and pretended he’d been staring at the screen as she typed.

“What are you doing?”

Busted. Lying would make it seem creepier than it was. “Tryin’ to figure out what you smell like.”

Her eyebrows rose and she laughed awkwardly, this time not hiding it. Maybe she forgot to because his idiocy caught her off-guard.

“Oh. It’s… um… wild honeysuckle. One of my favorite scents. It’s a body spray I get at…” She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. I’m sure you don’t care where I get it.”

It was now one of his favorite scents, too. Right after what an aroused woman smelled like. Nothing smelled better than that.

His morning wood started to reawaken when he wondered what the woman just inches from him smelled and tasted like when she was all hot and bothered.

To keep from going off into some fantasyland and getting full-blown wood, he pulled his attention from her and back to the screen as she typed away, putting in her own info and credit card number and blowing through the process like she did this job every fucking day.

She did in thirty seconds what it normally took him five minutes to do.

Okay, ten.

Sometimes the guests got a little impatient with him when he was stuck doing the computer shit. Other times, he just scribbled their shit down on a scratch pad and let whoever was working next plug it into the computer. If the customers wanted a receipt, they had to stop back for it when someone who gave a fuck was in the office.

Her slender fingers stopped flying across the keyboard and hovered over the keys. When he looked up at her and met her eyes, she said, “I’m at the step where I need to assign a room number. Do you know which room I’m taking?”

Yeah, the one right up the steps behind them. The one that had a mattress that was great for playing adult Romper Room.

The motel was booked solid this weekend and offering to share his room would make a lot of sense. Wouldn’t it?

She might not think so.

So, he kept those thoughts to himself and pulled a blank keycard from the box, handing it to her. “Just click ‘next available.’ Only got one room this early, it’ll automatically plug the number into your reservation. For some reason, we’re full this weekend.”