Tonight, sex with Ozzy felt like that. A “see you later.”

Not fucking, but making love.

Not only a physical connection, but an emotional one.

What simply had been sex suddenly had become a whole lot more.

But she didn’t want to say “goodbye” to him. Or even “see you later.”

He pressed their interlocked hands into the mattress on either side of her head as he continued that gentle, gliding motion.

In, until he could go no further. Out, until he almost pulled completely free.

Long, full, moan-inducing strokes.

He knew if he released her hands, she would dig her nails into his ass and encourage him to go faster.

He didn’t want that.

By being on top and also keeping their hands clasped, he controlled everything. Tonight was on his terms. She was only along for the ride.

With their foreheads pinned together and their breathing almost perfectly in sync, she both loved and hated how slow he was moving. Like gentle waves lapping along a shore.

A blend of both perfection and torture.

She swore she had more sex in the past month than she had in her whole adult life. Sadly, that included her marriage.

But, again, sex wasn’t everything and it wasn’t a reason to stay in a town that held a history she needed to move past.

Her awkward teenage years. Her father’s unexpected loss. And also his secret.

But this man, the one making love to her, could be a valid reason to stay.

Of course, he needed to want that, too.

However, he hadn’t voiced that want. He needed to ask because she wasn’t going to suggest it if that wasn’t what he wanted.

In reality, it had also only been a mere four weeks. She normally waited to have sex with a man until after they’d been dating at least a month. She certainly didn’t move in with someone after only that same amount of time. In fact, the only man she had ever lived with was Darren. And that had been after they married, not before.

It wasn’t because she was old-fashioned, it was because she had wanted to be cautious. And look where it got her anyway.

It would also be smart to be cautious when it came to making any impulsive decision about Ozzy. He was so opposite of everyone she’d ever been with. Not that she’d been with a lot of men, but still… It could be that was the draw for her.

Being with him had made her take a step outside her restrictive box.

But living with him, even loving him, would be more than a step, it would be a giant leap.

So, she needed to be sure.

He did, too.

Yes, she could move anywhere, but would moving back to a town she grew up in, a place that held some memories she’d like to shed, with a man she’d known for such a short time, who lived a type of lifestyle she’d never been a part of before…

Would it be worth the risk of giving up her independence and, more importantly, her heart?

“Yes,” she groaned as he continued to hit all the right spots.

He knew just how to tilt his hips. To make her want more, need more.

More of him, more of this.

More time.

A month wasn’t long enough.

A year might not be enough.

But forever…

Forever was a different story.

She opened her eyes. He was too close to be able to focus on him, but when his heavy eyelids also lifted and he noticed her looking at him, he raised his head so they could see each other more clearly.

So much more clearly.

As his stunning gray eyes grabbed hold of hers, a movement behind them made her heart skip a beat and his nostrils flared just enough for her to catch it.

So, yes, this night was different from all the other nights she’d spent with him. All the other times they’d had sex.

Instead of enjoying the heightened intimacy, for some reason, it made her heart crack the tiniest bit.


That was what it was. She was feeling loss before she was even gone.

The loss of him.

The loss of them.

Crazy. But true.

Could it be he was feeling the same loss, making him desperate to hold on?

“Ozzy,” she whispered.

Her saying his name caused a wall to slam down between them. His eyes became shuttered and his jaw tight as his pace picked up. Got rougher, became more intense.

He was hiding whatever he was feeling.

Strangely enough, that gave her hope that he did feel the same as her. That it wasn’t one-sided.

That they would miss each other if they went their separate ways.

Right now was not the time to talk about it, but later. Before she made the finishing touches on the motel’s website. Before she packed her bags to head home.

She already knew she didn’t want to leave.

Or if she did go, she wanted him to go with her. She had no idea if that was even a possibility.