Pepper asked, “It’s really no different than the private booths we have in the back, I guess.” She pointed toward the two big chrome doors that separated the private section from the public section of the bar.

“Yes, it’s very different, Pepper. We don’t supply the toys, just the private booths. What goes on back there is of little concern to us or to any of the other patrons. We can charge for admittance and kick anyone out for any reason at any time with no refund. The customers who go back there know to keep it private and keep it civil.” Jayda started toward the stairs. She wanted to go up and check some neon tubing that had been acting quirky.

Pepper yelled after her, “Whatever makes you feel better, honey.”

Jayda gave her the finger as she ascended the stairs. She knew Pepper was close to being right about the private booths. They had all known what would most likely go on back there when they put them in, but it hadn’t stopped them. There were only three oversized booths, which were more like little party rooms. One had actual doors the customers could close and the other two had thick velvet drapes that could be pulled for privacy. Each contained a translucent pole lit from within with different colored LED lights. This pole was situated dead center of each booth. They weren’t necessarily stripper poles, but the women had figured that’s what they would be used for when the drapes were pulled or the doors were closed.

One booth had a 1957 Chevrolet that had been cut in half. The front from the hood to the front seats was on one side of the booth and the rest of the car—the backseat and the modified, open trunk were on the other side. The trunk had been custom fitted with extra thick padding and faux leather coverings. And, again, they all five knew what these would most likely be used for and had even personally measured the height and width to ensure that couples could make the most out of the furniture whether sitting, standing, bending, or lying down.

But there had been no actual sex toys put into place for customers to use or to influence what they did back there. None of them had wanted to run a sex shack, but they could also see the profit in catering to a little private time for a certain set of people out there.

Chapter 2

Jayda Meets the Dragon

At ten minutes ‘til two, the rumble and roar of motorcycles thundered through The Hideaway, pulling all five women to the front room. Only Jayda did not fuss with her hair and tug at her clothes, or check her makeup. Secretly, she was amused that her friends did these things. She had thought that by the age of thirty they would have outgrown those teenage impulses. Apparently she had been wrong.

Being the only one not self-involved at the moment, Jayda walked to the front doors to unlock them. And her curiosity was piqued about the Black Mountain Bikers who ran the Harley Heaven bar. She had taken much inspiration from their bar when planning her own business. The one trip into Harley Heaven had given her most of the foundation for her own décor.

As she looked out the glass of the front doors, Jayda could see that there were five very big men dismounting Harleys in her parking lot. They were all new faces to her; she had only met Trigger and Daric and they weren’t among the five riders.

The five large, tanned, heavily tattooed men strode to the front door en masse. Jayda’s jaw unhinged and she began to see why her friends were acting like teenagers. The one in the lead looked like sex on legs. He was the most brutally sexy, gorgeously built man she had ever had the wet hot pleasure to look upon. And Jayda had seen her fair share of men in college and after.

Disengaging the lock, she pushed the door open, trying to smile at all of them, but her attention was snagged on the first man who entered. When he paused and looked down at her, he gave her a rakish grin, pulled off his sunglasses, and looked appreciatively at all of her. As his eyes raked over her body, it was as if he were physically touching her. Jayda’s body tingled under his powerfully sexual gaze.

In a breathy voice, she said, “Welcome to The Hideaway, guys. Come on in and have a drink on the house.” Her heart fluttered as each man filed in past her, their scents mingling into an intoxicating pure male aroma that excited her.

Jayda’s giggling friends quieted as the men entered, all of them pulling off their shades to look around the bar. Jayda walked to the obvious leader on legs that had gone over soft and unsure under her weight.

Finding that she had to look up at him quite a bit, she held out her hand, she said, “Hi, I’m Jayda.”

That rakish grin again. “Nice to meet you, Jayda. Sexy name. It fits you.” He wrapped his much larger, stronger hand around hers, his eyes never leaving hers.

Jayda had expected him to give his name in return but he didn’t. He released his grip on her hand and stepped back, again raking over body with that lusty, hot gaze. Before the next man in line stepped up to introduce himself, Jayda found her center and returned the wanton gaze of the leader, appreciating him from head to toe before turning to the other man.

Gage, Bruce, Tazz, and Lakoda introduced themselves to Jayda. The leader had wandered to the wall of rearview mirrors and was looking over them with amusement. His fellow riders made some small talk with Jayda’s friends; it appeared that they had all met before. Was this the group of men who had taken them on that private tour of the underground sex dungeon? Was it only a tour, or had more happened that her friends hadn’t told her? She had a feeling something more had happened now that she had met them. They were truly the definition of bad boys.

Jayda moved to the wall of rearview mirrors, unsure how to proceed with their leader. “So, what do you think so far?” At least her voice had returned to a semblance of normality.

“About the bar or about the owners?” He coc

ked an eyebrow at her.

“Both since you asked.” Suddenly, she didn’t know where to put her hands. Finally she stuffed them into her back pockets.

The Hideaway is a bit bright and chic for my tastes, but it’s nice. Has that new feel to it. And, I do like what you’ve done with all the old cars and car parts. Pretty creative.” He looked from the mirrors to the tables that were balanced above the grilles of various cars.

She couldn’t tell him that she had actually filched the idea from his bar. At least not yet. “Thanks. We like it. I didn’t catch your name.”

He gave her a short grunt of laughter. “’cause I didn’t throw it out to you.” He was looking toward the restrooms.

Jayda followed as he walked in that direction. Just outside the men’s, he turned to her. “You provide bathroom entertainment, or are you coming in to help?”

Jayda felt the heat burst from under her shirt collar and into her cheeks. “What? Oh, I’m sorry.” She laughed nervously. “I thought you were just touring in here. I’ll wait out here.” She hurried toward the entrance to the back of the bar, thought better of it and moved to the stairwell instead.

When he came out of the bathroom, he looked to Jayda and then pointed to the big doors that led to the back. Shit! This is probably not a good idea. I can’t trust myself alone with him. Not for long anyway.

She nodded and moved to him across the room.