At the moment his member was pressed back onto his lower belly, the head covering his navel. Jayda pressed the dildo in farther—he was tight. Had he not visited any other dom since their last meeting. Impossible. But she could see no evidence that he’d been visiting anyone. She pressed harder and Tank tensed hard enough to lift his swollen member into the air again and he moaned.

“You’re tight, slave. I think the strap-on will work better for both of us.”

Soon she was thrusting into him rhythmically, her end of the dildo working magic on her insides and her clit. She climaxed twice but didn’t stop. Gripping his dick, which she had purposely left untouched, she could feel the throb in his shaft with every thrust of her hips.

“Mistress, may I come, please?”

She gripped him hard enough to give a little pain. “No. I’ve not had my full pleasure, slave.” She thrust into him a few more times and then withdrew. As she took off the strap-on, she was pleased to see that her own juices flowed down her thighs.

The session continued until Tank was begging for release. When she finally rewarded him, he came so hard she thought he would pass out.

Afterward, she offered him the use of her shower, which he declined. She made small talk for about twenty minutes and then had had enough.

The feeling fluttering in her chest was guilt. That was a feeling that was completely foreign to Jayda. Tank was in the middle of telling her about his new home-based job when Jayda stood and held up a hand for him to stop.

“Tank, I’m really glad we hooked up today, but I have something I need to do. But it was really good to see you again.” She tried to smile, but nausea stole the expression and she gripped the counter to keep from doubling over.

“Yes, it was great. I’ve been needing that.” He chuckled and turned to see her grab the counter with one hand. “Are you okay?”

Wanting more than anything to be alone right then, Jayda said, “Yes. I’m fine. You can show yourself out, right?” She didn’t wait for a reply, just turned and headed upstairs to get a shower.

The shower barely helped her feel better. Afterward, she went to check her cell and saw that there were five missed calls and ten unread text messages. All from Pepper and Jazmyn.

Jayda’s heart did a little acrobatic flip in her chest. Something horrible had happened while she was playing with Tank. That was the only explanation. Her hands trembled so badly that she almost dropped the phone trying to open the texting screen.

Fumbling the phone, she flipped open the messages from Pepper just because they were the first her finger came to. She read in disbelief to the end and then opened Jazmyn’s messages. More of the same.

They were at Harley Heaven and their new biker friends had enlightened them about Drake’s absence from The Hideaway all week. He had sent an invitation for Jayda to come to Harley Heaven for a private tour before opening hours. The invite was sent via one of the younger set and was supposed to be delivered verbally. Apparently the kid had forgotten and Jayda never received it.

Jazmyn wanted Jayda to come join them. They were having so much fun and the bar hadn’t even opened to the public for the evening yet.

Jayda tossed the phone on the bed without answering them. That was no emergency. And an invitation sent via some irresponsible kid, was not a personal invitation in Jayda’s opinion. If Drake had really wanted to ensure she arrived, he would have asked her personally.

He had some nerve. She was still nauseous and laid over on the bed. Why did she feel guilty about Tank? It wasn’t like either of them had significant others to worry about.

Delving into this new feeling, Jayda ignored her phone as it rang. She didn’t want to talk to them about the bar today, she wanted to rest. Especially after her immensely physically satisfying romp with Tank. Physically, she was exhausted in a sublime way that made her want to sleep for a week. Mentally, she was a wreck. Sleep deprivation, constant lust, Drake’s presence constantly weighing on her were enough to make her scream.

Jayda didn’t scream. She crawled under the covers and turned off her lights. She muted the phone and tossed it onto the nightstand. She thought she might be able to sleep for a few undisturbed hours.

Jayda slept from three in the afternoon until ten that night without so much as rolling over. She awoke with stiff joints and aching muscles thanks to her excessive exertions in Toyland.

Groaning, she rolled to the edge of the bed and sat on the edge, dangling her disagreeable legs to force the feeling back into them. The movements pulled at the muscles of her lower back. The pain moved up her back and into the back of her skull where a nice little headache formed. Jayda rubbed the back of her neck with both hands and gingerly put her tingling feet on the floor.

She stretched with her hands in her low back and yawned wide and loud. It was a satisfying yawn. Moving slowly until her feet stopped tingling, Jayda thought about how she had ended up so sore and stiff. Remembering her playtime with Tank, she cringed.

“I knew I should’ve quit sooner. Damn.” She spoke into the darkness at the top of her stairs. She was starving. The grilled chicken breasts in the fridge were calling her name.

Thinking only of satisfying her hunger, Jayda mounted the stairs in the dark. She’d lived in the house for several months now and was sure of her footing even in the dark. Three quarters of the way to the bottom, Jayda lifted her gaze and stopped. There was flickering light coming from the living room. Had she left on the television? With her heart hammering in her chest, she thought back. No, she had switched it off well before Tank had arrived. Her pulse quickened and a sickly cold sweat prickled at the back of her neck and down the center of her spine.

Tank hadn’t locked the door on his way out. Damn fool! Or, maybe he hadn’t left because he was worried about her. He could’ve fallen asleep in front of the television. The volume was muted—probably to keep from disturbing her rest.

Easing the rest of the way down the stairs, Jayda looked for anything to use as a weapon, just in case it wasn’t Tank. Her senses heightened as she listened for any sound of movement at all. Surely, it was only Tank, though. An intruder would have other things on his mind than watching a muted television.

Mustering up her brave, Jayda picked up a meat tenderizing hammer—just in case—and moved toward the living room. With the light from the television in her eyes, she couldn’t make out who was sitting on the sofa chair by the window but it was too late to do anything about it. She now stood exposed to whoever it was.

Her brain coughed up images of Tank but the figure didn’t quite fit them. Her hand sweated around the handle of the hammer. This man was bigger and his hair, even in silhouette was different from Tank’s hair. It was longer and seemed darker.

Was he sleeping? Was he watching her? Did he perhaps have a gun pointed at her right at this very moment? How long had he been there? What did he want?