DEROS. Date of Expected Rotation from Overseas.

FAC. Forward Air Controller. Generally a US Air Force aircraft capable of coordinating air strikes between the ground commander and the Air Force aircraft dropping

the ordnance.

FM. Frequency Modulating radio. Primarily used for ground communications and air-to-ground contact. Operates in the 88 to 108 megahertz range.

FSO. Fire Support Officer. Individual who coordinates artillery fire and close air support.

Flechette rockets. 2.75-inch folding fin rockets fired by the gunships. Rather than causing an explosion, the rocket had approximately 2,200 needle-shaped darts that would be released once fired. This is an antipersonnel weapon used on troops with no overhead cover.

GCA. Ground control approach, a technique used for landing aircraft, with a ground controller watching an approaching aircraft on radar and giving the pilots information as to runway alignment and altitude.

GP. General Purpose.

Grid. One-kilometer squares are noted on military maps, commonly referred to as a grid.

IP. Instructor pilot. Also initial point, a location on the ground that is used as a checkpoint in an air assault operation. Usually associated with a time in the operation.

Klick. Measurement of distance used by the military, consisting of 1,000 meters (one kilometer).

LZ. Landing zone, the designated location for the insertion of troops. Once an established firebase is present, it is named with the prefix LZ.

Low-level flight. Constant airspeed with constant altitude above treetop level.

MP. Military police.

Medevac. Medical evacuation.

Mikes. Military term for minutes.

NCO. Noncommissioned officer, those enlisted personnel in the military with a rank between E5 and E9; commonly referred to as sergeants in the Army, Marine Corps and Air Force and chief in the Navy

NCOIC. Non Commissioned Officer in Charge

NVA. North Vietnamese Army.

OIC. Officer in Charge.

Old Man. A term applied by members of a unit indicating the commanding officer. Usually applied when the commander is not present but used as a term of endearment and respect.

Pax. Military term of passenger

PX. Post exchange, the military version of Walmart.

PZ. Pickup zone, a location to pick up passengers or supplies.

QSY. A term used to denote one is changing his radio frequency.

RLO. Real live officer, a term applied to commissioned officers, versus warrant officers, who are appointed officers.

RMI. Radio Magnetic Indicator. Provides heading of the aircraft similar to a magnetic compass but is very stable in flight.

R&R. Rest and Relaxation. Abbreviated term for personnel leaving country for about seven days.

SF. Special Forces.

S-2. The title for the officer responsible for the overall planning, coordination, collecting and analysis of intelligence information.