“Everyone in this room knows that you went through a horrible ordeal, Bella. I’m sure you remember everything, so I won’t repeat it.”

I close my eyes. How can I forget? Logan has my hand in his and my sister is now holding my other hand, both giving me the support I need as the doctor continues.

“You lost a lot of blood, and your heart stopped not long after you were brought to us. We had to give you more than one transfusion during surgery. You have Type O negative blood and being O negative, you can only receive the same. We didn’t have much of that in supply. Thankfully, one of your friends was O negative as well and donated.”

I look to Logan for clarification on who helped save my life.

“Quinn donated, Angel,” Logan says.

I feel very overwhelmed, but I’m pretty sure from the look on her face she’s not done telling me everything. “Could I get something to drink? My throat is so dry.” I ask.

Alba leaves my side to get the hot tea she mentioned a few moments ago. My mind is running a mile a minute. My heart stopped beating? Did I die?

“We called in one of the best plastic surgeons in the area to take care of the lacerations you received. The worst ones were on your ribcage. I assure you that the scarring will fade in time. I repaired the damage to your femoral artery as well. That’s where most of your blood loss came from.”

Scars. I’m left with permanent marks on my body from that monster. Alba walks back in with my tea and hands it to me. I sip on it slowly and the warmth instantly soothes the scratchiness in the back of my throat. I’m also very tired. I’ve slept for three days and I already need another nap. That’s insane.

“I can see you’re tired. That is just your body’s way of healing, but before you sleep, I want to change your bandages and get you to eat something light. Okay?” Dr. Evans informs me.

I cut my eyes at Logan. Instantly I have anxiety abou

t him seeing me. I don’t understand my hesitation myself. Why would I suddenly feel this way? He’s seen my body several times. All I know is, right now, in this moment, I want nothing more than to hide myself from him.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Logan inquires.

I hate to tell him to leave while they tend to me, but I can’t handle him seeing me this way right now. I know what I’m about to say will not go over well.

“Logan. Would you please step outside while they change the bandages?”

He’s taken aback by my request. Hurt and anger appear on his face, just before he masks it. “I’ll be downstairs, having a smoke and calling the guys.” He stands up and bends down, pressing his lips softly to mine. “I love you.”

“I love you,” I tell him before he walks out the door.

Turning back to the doctor I ask her, “When can I shower?”

“With help, you can take one first thing in the morning. Now, let’s change those bandages. I’ll warn you, it’s going to hurt. The gauze will be stuck to the stitches. I’ll be as careful as possible.”

I lay still in the bed as they carefully set me up and remove my hospital gown. The pull of the skin on my side hits me instantly. I grit my teeth and push through it.

The gauze is wrapped around my torso and the nurses who accompanied Dr. Evans earlier start to carefully unwrap it. The doctor takes over, carefully pulling the tape off my skin. It feels like the skin’s going with it. When she gets to the bandage that covers the larger area and starts peeling it away, I can’t help but flinch.

“It looks good. No signs of infection. Don’t be afraid to move. It will hurt, but movement will help the skin stay loose. We don’t want it to become tight. Physical therapy can help with that.”

Not being able to bring myself to look down at it, I keep my eyes focused on my sister.

I’m pulling strength from her right now. It shouldn’t be that way. The big sister needing her baby sister to take care of her. I don’t know how to let that sink in. Right now though, it feels like the most natural thing to do.

The nurses help me into a new gown before leaving and Dr. Evans asks if I feel like I need anything for pain. Truthfully, I hurt. I ache all over but I only ask for a mild pain reliever. I don’t like taking medicine if I don’t have to.

Finally settled, I sip some more on my tea. The whole time my sister has been sitting right next to me. Quiet.

“Alba, are you okay? Did they hurt you in any way?” I’ve been needing to ask her this question since I first woke up. The thought of her going through anything makes me shiver.

“They manhandled me, told me what awful things they wanted to do to me, but they didn’t do anything else.” She grabs my hand and holds it in hers. “Promise,” she whispers.

I hear a knock at the door and Logan’s voice asking, “Angel, are you dressed? I brought visitors.”

I’m a mess and he brings visitors? I look over at Alba and she sees the worried look on my face. “I’m sure I look hideous,” I tell her.