s shit, right down to the genetic trait the three of us share, our eye colors. I stand, stretching out my arm, offering my hand to greet him.

“Logan, it’s good to see you here today.”

“You too, brother.” And I mean it. No matter what my feelings are now when it comes to Demetri, I have no ill feelings towards Nikolai. He’s my brother and I’m fucking happy about that. I sit back down in the chair I was occupying and Demetri directs Nikolai to sit as well.

“As I was saying. My ex played a part in the deception, which is one of the many reasons I divorced her.”

I cut my eyes to my brother because this is his mother his father is talking about, but he doesn’t show any signs of discomfort. Nikolai cut his eyes to me, “What my father says is true, Logan. My mother is a heartless woman. I envy you. Your mother loved you.”

She did love me.

I watch as Demetri takes a chain from around his neck and on the end, is a small key. Shifting to his right he lifts the lock box sitting on the table.

“In this box, I keep the letters along with other small mementos from when I knew your mother.”

Inserting the key and unlocking it, he lifts the lid and pulls out a bundle of envelopes. “I would like to share these with you. They are the letters Rose wrote to me before she died.”

Before she was murdered.

I grab the letters as he hands them to me and randomly pull one from the pile. As I open the envelope, there is a faint yet familiar smell. She must have sprayed perfume on the paper. I unfold the letter that looks like it’s been read a thousand times as worn as it is, and I begin to read it,

Dearest Demetri,

Today is Logan’s fifth birthday. He’s getting so big and looking more like you every day. He starts kindergarten in a couple of months. Can you believe it! Time has gone by so fast. Enclosed you will find a photo. I took it just last week at the lake. I take him to our special place as often as I can. He loves it there. I hope this letter finds you well. I miss you.

Love always,


Fuck. This whole time. She was taking me to a place that was special to both of them. I guess it was her way of giving me not only a piece of her but a piece of my father as well.

“Logan, I would be honored to have the chance to be a part of your life, but I will respect whatever decision you make.”

I hear what he’s saying and I’m processing everything, or at least trying to when I hear Bella’s sweet voice telling me to give him a chance. I can feel my mom nudging me to do the same.

Clearing my throat, I fold the letter, putting it back into its envelope and look at him. “Mom is buried out there. At the lake.”

He made the first moves, now it’s time for me to try and make mine. I hand him the letters. I stand, needing to leave, ride and clear my head. Before I go, I offer an olive branch.

“Listen, Sunday we’re having a big BBQ out at the compound. I’d like to introduce you both to my family. It will start around noon, but feel free to show up before.”

I walk out the door, not waiting for a reply, and mount my bike. I take a long ride to clear my thoughts, trying to come to peace with everything, before heading home to my woman. My family.



Today is Friday, my sister’s last day of her school’s spring break vacation. She’s come to work with me every day this week. I don’t think she was ready to stay at the clubhouse by herself all day. Alba knows that she’s safe there and gets along with all the brothers, but feels more comfortable being wherever I am. Honestly, I’ve enjoyed having her with me. It’s been a long time since we’ve spent so much time together because I’m always working. I know she will eventually become more at ease being around the club, but until then, I welcome her company.

Walking out of mine and Logan’s room at the clubhouse I make my way down the hall to Alba’s room. I knock once before opening the door. I see she’s dressed and ready to go.

“You want to go downstairs and grab some breakfast before we go?” I ask.

“Yeah, I’m starving.”

When Alba and I walk into the kitchen we see Lisa already at work cooking eggs and sausage. We dive in helping, by popping bread in the toaster and making fresh coffee. My sister grabs the plates and silverware to set the table. The men will be filling in here soon, no doubt lead by their noses. This has become our daily routine. We both enjoy helping Lisa in the kitchen, and with all these hungry men to feed she could use the help. I can’t believe she did this every day on her own. You never hear her complain though. The smile on her face shows she loves taking care of people, and it suits her too. I’ve quickly learned it’s in Lisa’s nature to be the momma bear.

As if on cue, one by one the guys file into the kitchen, taking their seats at the table.