I want to spin around and look at him but I have a feeling it’s easier for him to share staying just the way we are.

“My Aunt Lily had her buried out here. Just on the other side over there.” He points to the left. I look in the direction of where he’s pointing and in the distance, I notice a headstone amongst the lush green grass.

“Logan, it’s a perfect resting place.”

“My Aunt Lily, she was Jake’s old lady, told him about this place. As kids, my mom and she came out here, it was a special place to them both. Jake up and bought this property that you’re looking at just to give them both a beautiful place to rest.”

“Both?” I question.

“Just a few feet from my mom is my Aunt Lily. She passed away from cervical cancer three years after my mom died.”

I scan over and see the second headstone. To lose two women he loved in such a short amount of time.

“Logan...What happened back at the club?”

He tenses and his grip tightens. I don’t want him to shut down on me now.

“I’m here to listen. I want to help any way I can. No judgment. Let me help carry whatever’s weighing you down.”

He leans down and kisses my neck. “Those men that showed up earlier...well, turns out that one of them is my father and the one I was sitting next to at the bar, drinking a beer with...is my goddamn brother.”

I’m shocked for him. I turn myself around in his lap and face him. “You never knew who your father was?”

“No, Angel. I’m the product of a short-lived r

omance. My mom never talked about him. Good or bad. Turns out my father left her because he was supposed to marry another damn woman.”

Moving me from his lap Logan gets up and lights a cigarette. Blowing the smoke out and running his hand through his hair, he tells me the rest of the story about his father falling in love with his mom then leaving her to fulfill his family obligations. His father never knew about him. Nothing at all. His grandfather kept him a secret from his own dad.

“That’s not the worst of it. My very own flesh and blood, my grandfather, killed my mom. He was the cause of the crash that killed her...and it almost killed me.”

He’s pacing back and forth, looking like a caged animal with nowhere to go. “I don’t even know how to process all this, ya know. I mean—fuck, twenty-five years.”

I listen as he tells me more about the whole unbelievable story, and I come to realize that his father lost so much too. I’m not going to tell him that right now. That’s the last thing he needs to hear.

“So, he tracked you down after finding out about you? At least he found you, right?”

Laughing he says. “He’s known about me for a whole goddamn year.”

He sits back down in the grass next to me, looking defeated and tired. I reach over and grab his hand in mine.

“Bella, he’s the head of the Russian family we do business with. Can you fuckin’ believe that? My dad is the Russian Mafia. It was his way of being part of my life until he got the guts to tell me he existed.

“But he found you, Logan. He wants to be a part of your life now.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not too sure I want him in mine.”

The sun is starting to set and fireflies are beginning to glow all around us as we sit for a few moments watching the sunset flickering across the water. I stand up and walk over to a patch of wild flowers and start picking a large beautiful bundle. When I’m satisfied with my hoard I walk back over to Logan and extend my hand out to him.

“Come on.”

Getting to his feet he holds my hand in his as I begin to lead him in the direction of the headstones. Stopping in front of his mother’s, I place half the flowers against her headstone before moving to his Aunt Lily’s and resting the remaining half of flowers against hers as well.

The whole time I can feel Logan watching me. Turning back around I wrap my arms around his waist and place my head on his chest, and listen to the beating of his heart against my ear. I want him to know how much it means to me that he brought me out here. “I wish I could have had the chance to known them both.”

We walk back to the bike. The sun has set and the air is getting cooler. Logan wraps the blanket around my waist, giving me extra protection from the night air once I’m seated on the bike. I’m on the verge of falling asleep when we finally make it back to the compound. Logan has me nuzzled into his side as we make our way into the clubhouse. We bypass everyone on our way in. From the looks on some of the brother’s faces, I’m guessing word has gotten around about the whole family reunion. He doesn’t pay them any mind as he guides me upstairs. I stop long enough to peek in on my sister, who has fallen asleep reading. I walk in and place her Kindle on the night stand but leave the bathroom light on before closing her door and heading into mine and Logan’s room. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before stripping out of my clothes, slipping on one of Logan’s t-shirts, then crawl into bed.

Once he’s done brushing his teeth he strips down to nothing before walking out the bathroom. I can’t help but admire his toned inked body. He catches me looking and gives me his signature smile.