“Anytime, sweetheart. I like her, Logan. I can tell she’s going to be good for you. You deserve to be happy.”

“Thanks, Lisa,” I say giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

“Now, go on and see to your guest,” she says, shooing me away, “Your girl will be fine.”

I catch up with Jake and Gabriel as they head across our compound’s parking lot towards the gate. I see our prospect, Blake, standing next to a black suburban SUV with blacked out windows. Standing next him is a man in a dark gray suit, I’m assuming he’s the driver.

Once we reach the man in question, I immediately notice the two guns in his shoulder holster under his suit jacket. I’m also betting he has one strapped to his ankle as well. My observation tells me that this man is more than a driver. These men are no threat to us, but I’ve learned to always be observant. Ready for anything.

“My name is Victor,” he says in a Russian accent while offering his hand to Jake.

“Jake,” Prez replies gruffly, accepting Victor’s handshake.

“Volkov and his son would like to apologize for their unexpected visit, but hope to meet with you so we can dissolve our mutual problem together. This is not how we normally conduct business,” Victor tries to assure him.

Jake tells the man, “I called Volkov a few days ago out of courtesy, and I don’t too much appreciate him just showing up at my compound unannounced.”

“We can understand that,” Victor says. “But Mr. Volkov also has a personal reason for this meeting as well, and feels with all that’s going on, it is time for those things to be addressed.”

I look over at Jake and he has the same confused look on his face as I’m sure I do. What the fuck is he talking about personal reasons? We’ve only been in business with the Russians for about a year, so I don’t know where this shit is leading, but to say I’m not a little bit curious would be a lie.

“Alright, Victor,” Prez says. “Blake here will show you in. I’ll meet you all inside.”

Victor nods his head, then my brothers and I follow Jake back into the clubhouse.

We all walk in and head straight to the bar. Austin sees us approaching and starts pulling out beers. I grab mine, downing almost all of it in one pull.

Turning to Jake, I say, “ What are you thinking, Prez?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t take too kindly to them just showing up here like this.”

“We have shit under control,” Gabriel adds.

“I agree,” Jakes says. “But I’m going to hear them out. I don’t believe Volkov would show up without cause. He’s always been nothing but respectful in the time we’ve been in business with him. So in return, we will show him the same respect and hear whatever it is they came all this way to say.”

The clubhouse door opens and in walks Victor, behind him are two other men, I’m assuming is Mr. Volkov and his son. The older man looks to be in his late forties and his son probably early twenties, basically a younger version of his father. Both are wearing similar suits that reek of money.

The men walk over, stopping in front of us. I notice Jake go deathly still, looking a bit taken aback. I glance over at Gabriel, who also has noticed Jake’s behavior. I wonder what’s gotten into him. He’s always cool and collected.

Prez offers his hand. “I’m Jake.”

“Jake, I’m Mr. Volkov. This is my son, Nikolai.”

There is a collective round of handshakes between us.

“If it alright with you, Jake, I would like to talk to you in private for a moment,” Volkov asks.

“Alright, we can go to my office. Nikolai, why don’t have a drink at the bar.”

I watch as Jake heads towards his office, then turn my attention to Nikolai. “Come on, man. Let’s get a beer.”

Nikolai and I take a seat at the bar, while the prospect gets us a beer and pours a couple shots. He is the first to speak.

“My father and I are grateful for your club agreeing to meet with us. I assure you we don’t normally do business this way.”

I down my shot. “You going to tell me what the hell is going on? Your guy over there,” I say pointing to Victor, who is at the end of the bar talking with Reid, “says this is somewhat of a personal visit?”

“I’m sorry, Logan. I’m afraid that is for my father to tell.”