What I wasn’t prepared for, was catching the girl I loved sucking some other guy’s dick as I passed the large living room window.

I enjoyed beating the shit out of the punk, but it did nothin’ to ease the pain of betrayal I was feeling.

Turns out money was more important to her than I thought. Once daddy threatened to cut her off, she started seeing one of the guys that worked for his firm. She fuckin’ kept me around because the prick couldn’t satisfy her in bed. Her words, not mine. She told me she could never marry a biker anyway.

Fuck Love. I decided from then on that I didn’t want or need it.

Some of the other brothers have divorces under their belts with women who thought they could handle the club life, but in the end, couldn’t deal.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have what Bennett and Lisa have.

Jake had that once with my Aunt Lily. Even though it’s been years, I’ve never seen him interested in another woman. I know he gets his release like the rest of us brothers do, but that’s it. He always goes home alone at night.

Although, I have noticed he’s developed a bit of sweet tooth the past couple of months. I’m guessing a certain little redhead that opened a bakery in town might have something to do with his little donut obsession lately.

It’s just not for me. I’m not looking for a permanent woman. I’m happy with the way things are now. No strings attached pussy. They all know the score beforehand. We have a good time, then it’s time for them to go.

Fuck. I take pride in knowing I paid my dues and earned this VP patch I wear on my cut today. Sure, there were plenty of times along the way my dumb ass almost fucked it up. My brothers never let up though, and sometimes taught me the hard way to rein that shit in. Which believe me, I did. The day my brothers voted me in and gave me the title was one of pride.

I’m the man I am today because of them.

I still suffer from insomnia and the occasional nightmares that I’ve been dealing with since I was ten. I’m not sure if they’re actual memories or something my mind has conjured up. I found that smoking a little weed helps with insomnia from time to time, but I don’t partake in it as much as I used to.

I live and breathe club life. Being a Kings of Retribution MC member holds much more meaning than just wearing the cut and having a title.

I have killed and would lay down my life for any one of those men because they are my family.

This is who I am. I don’t need more.

Halfway through the bottle, I feel my eyes getting heavier, and I give in to the liquor induced sleep.



“Alba, stay right here with me and be very quiet. Okay?” I tell my little sister as I sit her down on the closet floor.

She looks up at me with her big blue eyes. “Bella, I’m scared.”

“I know. Me too,” I admit to her as I quietly close the closet door, and lock it just like mommy has taught us.

“Where are those little shits?” Daddy yells.

“Nick leave the girls alone.”

“Shut the fuck up, you bitch.”

The sound of a sharp, smacking noise makes me jump—he slapped her.

Alba starts crying, so I hold her telling her it’s going to be okay. We cling to each other tighter as we hear Daddy banging on the door.

“Open this door, goddammit!”

I startle awake, my heart pounding, as sheer panic grips my insides, until I realize it was just a dream. Sometimes the dreams can be so vivid that there’s a blurred line on reality, and it takes me awhile not to feel the suffocating feeling of dread known as anxiety, a black hole that can swallow me whole.

Our father passed away when Alba was only five, and I was six. She doesn’t remember much about him at all, and I have only a few memories of him. None of which are good. No child should have to live with that kind of evil clogging their brain. It doesn’t help when you have the kind of parent that repeatedly trades one no good man in for another.

A few years after my father died, mom met and married husband number two, who was a good man, but he soon realized he didn’t want the burden of two small girls to raise.