“Hey, son. She’s looking much better. Gabriel on his way yet?”

“Yeah, he’ll be here soon. Glad you found me. I wanted to make sure you and the guys could do without me for a few days towards the end of the month. I wanna take Bella out of town after her sister leaves for school. I know we’ve been bogged down with builds at the shop lately, so I want to make sure I won’t be leaving you in a tight spot.” I explain to him.

“That shouldn’t be problem. I’ll get my sorry ass out there and do some work for a change. I kind of need the distraction anyway.” Jake says, running a hand down his beard.

I don’t ask questions to what’s bothering him. Jake doesn’t share much and meddling only pisses him off.

“Thanks, Jake.”

My phone rings so I take it out my pocket, answering it.


“I’m down the road, brother. Everyone ready?”

“Yeah, brother, I’ll get Bella to bring Alba down.”

I hang up the phone and text Bella.

Me: Gabriel is pulling up. Get your sweet ass down here.

Bella: Yay! On our way.

Less than a minute later, Bella comes walking out with her sister and Sofia in tow. I stand back and watch the excitement on Bella’s sweet face as Gabriel comes cruising around the side of the building in a black lifted Chevy four door pickup truck, coming to a stop beside the girls.

“Oh my god! You guys got me a truck!” Alba screams with delight as she squeezes her sister.

Gabriel slides out of the truck and Alba runs over, wrapping her arms around his neck and jumping into his arms. No one misses the sweet kiss she plants on his cheek before letting go and climbing into the truck.

The rest of the day goes smoothly. With all previous threats being taking care of, we can relax and have a good time. Music is playing and the smell of the wood burning in the huge bonfire has filled the air. Quinn even got out his guitar and plays a few songs, which he hasn’t done in a long time. I sit back, taking it all in.

Most everyone ended up staying at the clubhouse to sleep for the night, even the brothers with kids. They pushed the pool tables in the common room off to the sides and set up some rollaway beds we had stashed in the building out back. The kids loved the idea.

Lying in bed, I trace over Bella’s scars. They’re looking much better and she’s more at ease letting me see them. “You know, babe. You could tattoo over them if you wanted to. People do it all the time,” I inform her.

I don’t see anything wrong with them myself, but maybe putting something over them would help her feel better.

“Really? I’ve never thought of that? I don’t know if I could let someone look at me though. At least, not right now.” She sighs.

“You do what’s right for you, babe. You’re beautiful no matter what you decide.” I kiss her lips and trace my hands down her body.

With a full house, I quietly make love to my woman. Showing her that everything about her is beautiful.

I’m sitting here, watching my woman nervously let Gabriel look at her scars.

When I expressed to her, that she could always have a tattoo cover them, she hasn’t stopped talking about it. I talked with Gabriel beforehand, and set up a time for us to come into the shop. The only person I trust to do the job right is my brother, Gabriel. He’s done cover ups like this before.

It took her about a week to get the courage to come in. My woman is standing strong though, facing those demons head on, and I couldn’t be prouder. She’s not healed up enough to have the needle on her skin, but will be soon enough.

She glances over her shoulder at me as she lays on her side, her shirt scrunched under her breasts, as he examines the area. She knocks the wind out of me every time she looks at me that way. With love. Nothing but pure, unfiltered love.

A few weeks ago, she was pushing me away, but she’s been going to counseling twice a week now, and since then has only had two nightmares. Things between us are stronger than ever.

Her and Gabriel have wrapped things up and she’s walking over to me, wearing a beautiful smile on her face.

“Gabriel said that he shouldn’t have any issues covering my scars. That he’ll make them fade into the background like they aren’t even there. Afterward, I should wear my scars with pride, not disgust, because I’m no longer a victim, but a survivor,” she beams at me with tears pooling in her eyes.

I look over at my brother, quietly thanking him for giving my woman strength with his words. Standing on her tiptoes, she presses her lips against mine, giving me a soft kiss. I grab her around the waist, pulling her in tighter.