“Work? You think you’re ready for that?”

“It’s been two months, Jake. Seriously, you guys have got to quit treating me with kid gloves all the time. I’m ready, I promise. I wouldn’t have come to you if I wasn’t.”

“Well, you know you can come back to the garage anytime you want. We all miss having you there. Especially Quinn. The dip shit won’t shut up about not having a decent meal to eat. I swear kid, you’ve done spoiled the man.”

“Great! How about I start back Monday. Put Quinn out of his misery.” I chortle.

“Sounds great, Bella. Just one thing...have you talked to Logan about this?”

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” First Quinn, now Jake. What makes anyone think I should ask him first. I don’t need permission from Logan to go back to work.

He holds his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, I was only asking. Though maybe you should discuss it with him before Monday.” Jake suggests.

“I’m sure Logan could care less. I’ll mention it to him later, okay?” I say getting up from the chair. “I really appreciate you agreeing to me coming back, Jake.”

“Anytime, sweetheart. If I don’t see you later, then I’ll see you Monday at the garage.”

After leaving Jake’s office, I head in the direction of the room Alba has here. Turning the corner, I run straight into Logan as he’s exiting his room. I thought he had club shit to deal with, at least that’s what I had been told. I stand here l

ooking at him and cross my arms.

“Hey, babe. What are you doing here?” he says looking a bit confused, and I’m sure he doesn’t miss the same expression, mixed with growing anger on my face as well.

“I came to see Jake. What are you doing here? Gabriel said you had some club business to take care of and that’s why you didn’t pick Alba up at school.” I say suspiciously.

“I did. Just got back. What did you need to see Jake for?”

“I’m ready to go back to work. I was making sure he was cool with it.”

“Go back? Do you think you’re ready?”

I swear I’m so damn tired of that question. Are you okay? How are you feeling? Do you think you’re ready? It’s my damn choice when I’m ready and what I do.

“I wouldn’t have told Jake I was ready to come back if I weren’t ready, Logan.” I can’t help the bitchy way the words come out.

“Don’t start, Bella,” he clips.

“Start what, Logan?” I feign like I don’t know what he’s talking about.

“This shit where you turn everything into an argument. I’m sick of it, and it stops now.”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

I do, and I hate that he’s calling me out on it.

“You’re always avoiding any real issue, Bella. So instead of dealing, you look for any reason to start a fight with me. Over stupid shit too. Like today. You knew going behind my back asking Jake to go back to work, without talking to me first...you knew that shit would start a fight. Only today, it’s not working. Today we’re dealing with our problem.” Logan declares through gritted teeth.

By the set line in his jaw and fire in his eyes, I know he’s done. There will be no more hiding. No more distance. He has had enough.

“Fine.” I snap. “I’ll go get the girls, and meet you at home.”

“No, they can stay here tonight. I’ll let the guys know, so they can keep an eye on them.”

Without replying, I brush past him continuing down the hall. There is no arguing with him when he’s like this.

When I get home, I decide to take a shower before Logan gets here. Since coming home I have avoided talking about what happened back in that basement. Talking about it is not going to make anything better, it’s not going to make the scars go away. He needs to understand what’s done is done. We can both talk till we’re blue in the face, but in the end, it won’t change a damn thing.

After stepping out of the shower and drying off, I realize I forgot to bring in a change of clothes. Wrapping my towel around my body, I open the bathroom door to go to my closet and grab my pajamas. I stop in my tracks when I notice Logan standing in the middle of our room, his eyes tracking my every move.