“I’m ready,” she huffs out breathlessly, once she makes it down the stairs.

“You didn’t have to rush, I would have waited for you.” I chuckle.

Returning my smile, she asks, “You think Alba will be there?”

Looking down at my watch I reply, “She’ll probably get there about the same time we do if we leave now. Let me send a quick text to Logan telling him to bring her to the clubhouse instead of home.”

This is her last week of school, followed by graduation in two weeks. Sofia has expressed how excited she is to get back to school. She’s missed most of this past year and will be a grade behind the other kids her age, but it doesn’t seem to bother her, she’s only focused on a fresh start.

We arrive at the clubhouse the same time Gabriel pulls up with my sister. Stepping out of my car, I walk over to where he’s parked.

“Hey, I thought Logan was picking Alba up today,” I question.

He leans against his bike, smoking a cigarette.

“Had some club business to take care of, asked me to pick her up,” he offers.

“Yeah, sure,” I mumble turning to walk away.

“Bella.” Gabriel stops me.

I come to a halt, refusing to look at him. I know I’m letting my insecurities show. It’s not like me to be this way, but lately, I can’t help it. I’m always worried that I’m not enough, that I’m not what Logan wants anymore. I drive myself crazy with all the thoughts that run through my head at times.

“You’ve got nothin’ to worry about with Logan.”

Turning my head slightly, I cut my eyes at Gabriel, giving him a nod.

When I step inside the clubhouse, I smile when I see Quinn sitting at the bar. “Hey, darlin’, come over here and have a drink with me,” he drawls.

Taking a seat next to him, he taps the counter getting Liz’s attention. “Get Bella something to drink,” he clips. Losing the sweet tone, he had with me moments ago.

Liz has been on thin ice with the club ever since we found out she was feeding information back to Cassie. She insisted she didn’t know what Cassie was up to, and the boys decided on giving her a second chance. Either way, I don’t trust the bitch.

Bringing his attention back to me, Quinn asks, “What brings you here today?”

“I’m going nuts, sitting around the house all day, so I came to talk to talk to Lisa about a graduation party for Alba. And to also talk to Jake about going back to work.”

“Really? You talk with Logan about that?”

“No, Quinn, I didn’t. I wasn’t aware I needed his permission.” I deadpan, crossing my arms.

“Hey, I’m on your side, sweetheart. Without you there I’m forced to eat day old pizza and shit. I’m literally starving, Bella. What I wouldn’t give for some of your fried chicken.” He says with his head tilted back and a dreamy look on his face.

Poking him in his rock-hard stomach, I laugh, “Yeah, you look like you’re wasting away Quinn.”

“Let me go talk to Jake. Hopefully, I’ll be back to filling your belly soon,” I jest.

I really do miss working. I can’t stand sitting around the house all day. I need to be busy doing something. I’ve always been busy either taking care of someone or working. I need to get back to work. Hopefully, that will be soon.

Rewarding me with his signature smile, Quinn says, “Looking forward to it, darlin’.”

Walking to Jake’s office I see his door is open, and he’s sitting at his desk.

“Hey, Jake.” I greet, tapping on the door.

“Bella? What you are doing here. Everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine. I wanted to come talk to you about coming back to work.” I say, taking a seat.