Peering at me with a tight jaw he grinds out. “If you need help with something, I’ll do it. You’re my woman, no more pushing me away.”

I flinch slightly when he slams the spoon he’s holding down on the counter.

“Logan—” I start before he cuts me off.

“Fuck no, I’m sick of this shit. You need help changing your bandages, I’ll change them. You need help taking a shower, I’ll help.” He states with conviction.

Feeling rage bubble up in my gut, I stand up from the table. “You know what, Logan, it’s not really up to you, now is it.” I calmly challenge, not taking my eyes off his. If he thinks he’s going to take over telling me how things are going to be, he’s got another thing coming.

“Angel,” he says. His face softening.

Bracing my hands on the table, I hang my head. “I’m not ready,” I whisper.

In seconds Logan is beside me holding my head in his hands. I notice the defeated posture of his body as he uses his thumb to brush away my tears, then kisses my lips. “I’ll call your sister,” he murmurs with a sigh.

I wake up in mine and Logan’s bed a while later to see Alba lying in the bed next to me. After our little feud earlier, I told Logan I needed a nap. “How long you been here?”

“About thirty minutes,” my sister replies as we engage in a stare off.

“Just say it,” I huff.

“He loves you. You have to let him in. I know you’re afraid.”

I shake my head, “You don’t understand.”

“I may not understand what you went through, but I understand being afraid.”

My eyes soften at her declaration. Alba, thankfully came out of this whole nightmare unharmed, but she does indeed understand my feelings on some level. “I need more time, that’s all I’m asking.”

Climbing off the bed she walks over to my side. Taking a hold of her hands, she helps me stand. My stitches don’t feel as tight, just sore. The doctor said I have another week before they can be removed and I no longer have to keep them bandaged either. Walking into the bathroom with my sister I refuse to look in the mirror as she starts the water for my shower. I’ll be glad when I can take a real shower, five minutes just isn’t cutting it, and my legs needed a razor like four days ago. Alba catching the horrified look aimed towards my legs and giggles.

“Sit,” she commands, pointing to the closed lid of the toilet. “I’m going to shave those hairy beasts you call legs.” I hear her snicker when she catches me flipping her the bird.

It feels so odd having the sister roles reversed. My whole life I’ve been the one taking care of Alba, so much so it sometimes felt as if she were my own child. Now the table has turned, and my baby sister is taking care of me. The first time she saw my cuts, it seemed as though it was harder for her than me. She tried to hide her sadness, but Alba has never been able to mask her feelings very well, especially not from me. Still, she took a deep breath, held the tears back, and became the strong one. In that moment she did me proud, she knew that’s exactly what I needed from her.

Walking downstairs, feeling somewhat human again, I’m hit with the smell of Chinese food, causing my stomach to rumble. “Hey, you two hungry?” Logan questions, when Alba and I walk into the kitchen.

“Yes,” we both spill in unison. I smile when I walk into the kitchen and find Sofia helping him set the table. Sitting down, I immediately dig in while Logan grabs us a couple of beers, and the girls a coke. Conversation flows freely, mostly about the guys and how things are at the shop. Alba tells me how she talked to Mom the other day, but didn’t tell her anything that had happened. No one has mentioned Lee, or what’s happened to him. The only thing Logan said was it was taken care of. That’s good enough for me. The bastard is an afterthought at this point. I hope he’s rotting in hell, although even that would be too good for him. When we finish eating, Alba and Sofia excuse themselves to go upstairs. I insist on washing the dishes. I told Logan I need some sort of normalcy.

Once I’m finished I let him lead me upstairs to our room. “I’m taking a shower, then we’re going to talk.” Logan insists leaving no room for argument.

Not in the mood for being forced into doing something I’ve voiced I wasn’t ready for, I decide to ignore him. If that man thinks I’m going to roll over at his demands, then he’s sorely mistaken.

Hours later I’m woken by someone shaking me and calling out my name. When I open my eyes, it takes me a moment to register where I am and who is holding me. My heart is racing, my body aching, and I’m drenched with sweat. I then notice Logan is holding on to me. He has several bloody scratches on his face and chest. I gasp at the realization. I did that. Oh my god. A sobbing noise has me cutting my eyes over to the bedroom door. My sister is standing there, with a tear-streaked face and her hand covering her mouth.




eing woken by Bella screaming in her sleep gutted me. I reached out to pull her into my side, in the hopes she would calm down and rest. Instead, it has the complete opposite effect. She starts kicking, screaming, and flailing her hands everywhere.

“No-No-No!” She screeches.

She’s putting all she’s got into the struggle as I try to wake her up. “Babe. Wake up. It’s me. It’s Logan,” I plead with her. I grab at her wrists to keep her from scratching at my face anymore.

“Angel, it okay. You’re home. Come on, beautiful,” I whisper into her ear.