Refusing to use a wheelchair, Logan helps me make my slow trek down the hall to Sofia’s room. I’m so excited to finally get to see her. The last time I laid eyes on her she was a bloody beaten mess on that basement floor. I remember not knowing if she was even alive. When I woke up after being in the hospital for th

ree days, one of my first thoughts was of Sofia. I’d felt so much relief when Logan told me they had gotten her out of that house and she was safe, right here in the hospital. When we walk into her room, she is so engrossed in the iPad she’s holding. It takes a minute for her to register we’re even here. “Bella!” Sofia beams.

“Hey sweetie,” I exclaim. Offering me his hand, Logan helps me sit on the side of Sofia’s bed. “How are you feeling? The guys treating you good?” Quickly nodding her head, Sofia affirms.

“Yes, everyone has been really nice to me. Logan brought me this iPad, and Quinn brings me ice cream every day.”

“That’s great, I knew they’d take good care of you.”

“How about you?” Sofia asks. “Logan said you get to go home soon.”

“Yup, we sure do. I’ll have one of the guys come help you get all your stuff together tomorrow.” It’s all I can do to be nonchalant. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. It only takes a few seconds for her to catch on to what I said.

Snapping her head up from staring at her lap. “What do mean help me get my stuff together?”

“Well, we are going home tomorrow.”

“Home? We?” She asks confused.

“Yes, sweet girl, you’re coming home with us tomorrow.”

“Really!” Sofia screeches. I can’t help but bust out laughing at her excitement. I ignore the way laughing causes my body to hurt.

“We’re going to go so you can get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” I announce, patting Sofia’s leg.

“Okay, Bella, thank you so much.” she hiccups, trying to hold back her tears.

“You’re welcome, baby girl.”

I’m utterly exhausted after Logan helps me get settled back in my hospital room. I hate how a short walk down the hall leaves me worn out and breathless. Dr. Evans told me that was to be expected. She said to not overdo it, to give my body a chance to heal properly.

Then there’s Logan. He’s been nothing but patient towards me, even though I know it kills him I won’t let him help. I can’t help it though. The thought of him seeing me, seeing what my body looks like under my clothes. I cringe at the thought of what he will think. Will he be disgusted? Will he still want to be with someone who’s body is covered in scars?

“Whatcha thinkin’ about, babe?” Logan asks, bringing me out of my sulking thoughts. “Nothing really, I’m just tired.” By the look on his face I know he doesn’t believe me but decides not to call me out on it. “Okay, you get some rest. I’ll call the guys and get shit straight for tomorrow.” Walking over he gives me a light kiss and I close my eyes breathing in his scent, letting it comfort me.

The next day is a bit of a frenzy. I’m so over being in this damn hospital. Finally, Logan has Quinn round up one of the nurses to bring me my discharge papers so we can go. Demetri is flying us home on his plane, which I’m grateful for. I’m not in the mood to be stuck in a car for a couple of hours. Alba and Gabriel left yesterday, so they could get the house ready for us. We needed groceries and some things for Sofia. My sister was ecstatic at the mention of shopping, but poor Gabriel looked like he’d rather take a bullet. When Alba sassed off saying she would do it herself, the big guy quickly shot that idea down.

A minute later Quinn strides back into the room followed by a nurse pushing a wheelchair. I don’t want to ride in that damn thing, but it’s hospital policy. Sucking it up, I sit my ass in the chair. I’ll do anything if it means getting the hell out of here and going home.

Walking into Logan’s house...our house—I still haven’t gotten used to saying that—we’re met with silence. Logan said everyone was anxious to see me. He refused, telling them to let me get settled first. When I was ready, they could come for a short visit. I’m thankful to have him looking out for me. I’m definitely not up for company right now, with the exception of my sister. She’s the one I need. “Come on,” I say grabbing Sofia’s hand from beside me. “I’ll give you the grand tour.”

Her eyes go big as she takes in the house. After making our way from room to room, I bring her outside showing her the lake. “Oh my god,” she gasps. “Is this real? Do I really get to live here?”

“Yes, sweet girl, you get to live here.”

Standing at the edge of the water for a moment, I close my eyes embracing the wind on my face and breathe in the fresh air. Turning my head, I look at the young girl beside me to see her doing the same. I squeeze Sofia’s hand, “Come on, let’s go inside.”

“Would it be okay if I stay out here a few more minutes?” she asks.

“Sure, you come in when you’re ready.”

Back inside, I find Logan in the kitchen making tea. “Hey, babe, you get Sofia settled?”

“Yeah, she’s out by the lake. She’ll be in soon.”

He nods his head, motioning toward the table. “Come sit, I’ll fix you a cup.”

“I need to use your phone to call my sister,” I tell him as I pull a chair out and sit. “I want to ask her what time she’ll be home.”