Alba turns on the shower as I slowly start to undress.

“I brought your iPad. I know you like to listen to music in the shower,” she softly tells me.

“Thank you.”

I pull up my playlist so I can hit random play before stepping into the shower. Hesitantly I let Alba help me unwrap the gauze, then gently peel the bandage off my side. I don’t look down and I can’t look in a mirror because the only one in the bathroom is above the sink.

Hating myself for putting her in this situation, I carefully gage her reaction. She tries to mask her emotions, but she quickly falters. Silently, tears run down her face. My own tears spill, cascading down my cheeks, making me feel pathetic and small. We both stay silent as my sister helps me into the stall. I press play and stand under the spray of the water.

Music fills the room.

My heart is pounding and fresh tears wash down the drain when Christina Perri’s ‘Arms’ is the next song to play. The emotions that I’m feeling when this one line repeats throughout the song has my emotions spilling over—‘You put your arms around me and I’m home.’

I couldn’t be certain, but I almost thought I heard my sister’s sobs mixed in with the words of the song. I just stand there under the hot stream of water, trying try to make sense of all the mixed-up emotions I’m feeling. Trying to wash away my pain.



Stepping out of Bella’s hospital room, I lean against the door and blow out a frustrated breath. She’s refusing to let me help her do anything that involves me seeing her wounds. Part of me understands why she’s being this way, but the other part of me just wants to take care of my woman. Dr. Evans has assured us the scars will fade significantly over time, but right now they are red and swollen. She explained to Bella she could have plastic surgery in the future, but in her professional opinion the surgeon who stitched her up did an excellent job, so any more surgery’s is highly unlikely. Dr. Evans also has scheduled for a counselor to come speak with Bella later this afternoon.

“You okay, brother?” Gabriel asks from beside me. He’s been keeping guard of Bella’s hospital room since he and Alba showed up yesterday.

Looking down at him sitting in a chair nursing a cup of coffee, I respond while running my hand down my face, “Fuck man, I don

’t know.”

“Bella’s a strong woman, Logan. She’ll get through this shit.” Gabriel assures.

“Yea, brother, you’re right,” I tell him pushing off the door. “I’m going to check on the kid, be back in a few.”

I talked with Sofia for the first time yesterday. She told me she was the one who called letting me know about Bella. Poor kid took a beaten’ for trying to help my woman. Because of that the club is in her debt.

Coming up to her room I see Dr. Evans walking out. “Hey, doc, how’s she doin’?”

Smiling she answers, “Sofia is doing much better today.”

“Have you been able to locate any of her family?” I ask.

Shaking her head sadly, “No, Sofia said her parents are dead and she doesn’t have any family. I’m afraid I’ll have to call child protective services.”

“That won’t be necessary,” I argue. “She’ll be coming home with Bella. She and I will take care of the kid.”

“Legally, I have to inform child protective services in a situation like this.” Dr. Evans informs me.

I go to interrupt her but she cuts me off by holding up her hand. “Unofficially, Sofia has no family, but officially if I had a name of, let’s say a cousin, someone I can put on paperwork. Preferably someone of Latin descent, being that Sofia is from Mexico.”

To say I was shocked at the doc’s suggestion was an understatement. I fully expected for this situation to go in the other direction. I really don’t give two fucks about the system, but the doctor helping us out saves the club from having to handle shit. She has no doubt noticed a certain broody Cuban outside Bella’s door lately, and in a roundabout way just told me how to solve our problem regarding Sofia.

“Can I ask why you’re doing this?”

Sighing Dr. Evans darts her eyes around making sure we’re not overheard. “Sofia has been through hell, the kind of hell nobody should ever have to go through, let alone a seventeen-year-old girl. The system will no doubt fail her. If I can, in some way, help avoid that then I will, even if it goes against the rules of this hospital. I have a feeling about you and Bella. I see the way those men are—the ones that have been coming to visit. My gut tells me she will be well taken care of.”

“She will be,” I promise.

“Okay then, I’ll have some paperwork that needs to be filled out. I’ll bring it by later when I come check on Bella.”

Knocking on Sofia’s door I wait for her to answer before going in. “Hey, kid. How’s it goin’?”