“Alba, I’m heading down the hall to grab a coffee. I’ll be right back. You want anything?” I hear Logan’s hoarse voice say.

“No thank you, Logan,” Alba tells him.

I feel pressure on my lips the moment Logan presses his to mine, then hear booted footsteps as he walks away.

I struggle to pry my eyes open, and a bright flash of light breaks through. I feel like I did when I experienced my first hangover in high school. The brightness hurts at first, but I keep forcing them to open more. My vision is blurry, like looking through a fogged-up window in the winter time, so I blink slowly a couple of times. It feels like the inside of my eyelids are lined with sandpaper, but soon I’m able to bring everything into focus.

Every muscle in my neck feels stiff as I turn my head and see my sister curled up next to me, her nose in her Kindle. I reach my hand out, or at least try to. Peering down at my hand, I notice the IV line, which explains the slight tug I felt when I tried to move.

Without warning, flashes of images flood my memory. The BBQ. Running after my sister. Her and I being taken by Los Demonios. Jorge cutting me...repeatedly. Logan saving me. It all crashes into me. Wave after wave of flashbacks. The last thing I remember was Logan telling me Alba was safe. I can’t recall anything else after that.

When I try to lift my hand again, I hear a gasp. I look back up to find my sister staring at me.

“Oh my God! Bella?”

Her Kindle falls to the floor as she turns, putting her head in my lap, and begins to sob. I reach my hand up and softly stroke her hair. My emotions getting the better of me as well. My sister is everything to me. I can’t begin to describe the relief I feel knowing she’s okay.

“It’s okay, Alba,” I croak out. My voice sounding uneven and raw.

I continue to stroke her hair, trying to calm her down as I do my best to compose myself.

I glance around at my surroundings, taking everything in. The hospital room I’m in is big. The walls aren’t the normally cold, sterile white. They’re a soft blue. The light shining through the big window hurts my eyes still but it’s much bearable than before. Flowers and balloons line the window seal.

I turn my head to look to the other side of the room and the door opens with Logan stepping in, holding a cup of coffee. My breathing falters the moment our eyes meet. I give him an unsure smile.

“Bella,” his husky voice croaks out. He sounds every bit as emotional as I am now, but he is hiding most of it well as he takes a few strides before stopping right beside me. Placing the coffee on the table, Logan grabs my empty hand and places it over his heart. Using his other hand, he brushes the tears from under my eyes.

He rests his forehead on mine. Both of us feeling the weight of everything. I really thought I would never get the chance to see him again, have his arms hold me, feel his lips against mine one more time, yet here we are.

“I love you,” I whisper in his ear as he pulls me close.

“I love you,” he rasps with so much emotion his voice betrays him.

My sister lifts her head from my lap and Logan moves to the side, letting her lean forward to give me a light hug.

“I’m going to go clean my face in the bathroom. When I come out, I’ll go ask the nurse for some warm tea with honey. It should help your throat.” She smiles warmly at me while wiping her eyes with the back of her hands.

“Bella,” she turns back around just as she opens the bathroom door, “I love you.”

Crying all over again, I tell her the same before she closes the door.

Reaching down Logan pushes a button and tells the nurse that I’m awake. Before I have time to catch another breath a young woman with black hair, I’m assuming is the doctor, and a couple of nurses in pink scrubs come walking in after a brief knock on the door.

The doctor walks up and begins checking all the monitors they have hooked up to me before speaking, “Well, Bella. I’m happy to see you’re finally awake. I’m Dr. Evans, I’ve been treating you since you arrived a few days ago.” she says, holding a clipboard against her chest.

“How many days have I been here? How long have I been out of it? Where’s Sofia?” I question her with a hoarse voice.

Dr. Evans smiles warmly at me. “Sofia was admitted and is doing great. She has a broken arm, along with some bumps and bruises, but she is going to make a full recovery.”

I relax a bit and close my eyes, while letting out a sigh of relief.

“You’ve been here and under my care for three days. If you’re up to it, I want to go over everything with you. I want to make sure you understand what your body has been through and your recovery process.”

I feel Logan stiffen at my side. “Do we need to do this now doc? Can’t it wait? She just woke up.” He huffs out, sounding irritated.

The bathroom door opens and my sister walks back into the room. I hate being the center of attention and right now, everyone’s eyes are on me. I’m starting to feel very uncomfortable. I want to get the prodding over with. I remember everything I went through prior to being brought to the hospital, but nothing more up until now. I don’t want people to look at me differently, like they are right now.

Pulling up a chair by my bed side, the doctor sits, crossing her legs while folding her hands in her lap.