“You got here just in time to watch the rest of her life drain from her body,” Jorge gloats. “Your club killed my father, and many of my men the other day. Now, you get to watch as someone you love dies,” he hisses, spitting at Logan’s feet.

“Your father was a coward who was caught trying to run and leave his men behind.” I hear Logan say, his voice full disgust.

Keeping his gun trained on the twisted, deranged man in front of him, Logan assesses me. His eyes scan over my body, taking in the lacerations going across my ribcage and under my breast. He stops when he sees the bright red blood oozing from my thigh and the puddle of blood at my feet.

His eyes connect with mine. I silently try telling him I’m sorry, that I love him.

Cracking his neck, I watch as Logan sets his attention back on Jorge. “Motherfucker, your father was a spineless pussy, who was caught trying to flee instead of fighting like a man. The barrel of the gun that was pressed between his eyes as he stared death in the face...it’s the same one that your sorry ass is staring down right now. The only one dying here today is you,” Logan rages.

A red dot appears on Jorge’s forehead, just before the back of his head explodes, blood splattering everywhere. I don’t have time to process anything else. Logan is over to me in two strides, undoing the restraints. I fall in a heap into his arms.

“Shit, Bella, stay with me,” he pleads, taking his cut off and covering my exposed body. He then hoisted me up in his arms and carries me out of the room.

I hear voices all around me but can’t make out who they belong to. I force myself to speak. “My sister?” I croak out.

“We got her. She’s safe,” Logan declares.

An exhausted breath leaves my lungs. Relief washing over me. I feel light, like a feather drifting on a breeze. I reach my hand up, touching Logan’s warm cheek.

“I love you, Logan,” I murmur, with a jagged breath.

I’m so tired.

I close my eyes...only for a moment, but not before hearing Logan’s voice whisper in my ear, “I love you too, Angel. Stay with me.”



It hadn’t taken long for the club to put a plan into motion. As soon as my call with Sofia was cut off, my brothers along with my father organized a course of action. We now know Bella is in Fairfield, Washington. Demetri has arranged for his private plane to take us to Spokane. Drive time would have taken well over two hours, with flying it cuts that two hours down to about thirty minutes. Once we arrive at the airport in Spokane, we will make a forty-minute drive to Fairfield. Even though we don’t have an exact address where Bella is being held, my father informed us his men are very good at finding people, and has assured me we will have the information by the time we reach Spokane.

Jake, Quinn, Reid, and Demetri will be making the trip with me, while Gabriel and my brother, Nikolai, will stay behind watching over the clubhouse while we’re away. With the President of Los Demonios dead, there’s not much of a threat, but we’re not taking any chances. We still have no clue as to who Alba’s buyer was, or if he has any hurt feelings at not getting what he’s paid for. People who are sick and crazy enough to buy another human being, for whatever reason, don’t usually give up too easily on their obsession.

Walking out of the clubhouse towards my father’s SUV, I see Victor, his driver, loading several duffel bags into the back. An advantage of flying private is we’re able to bring our artillery. Speaking of, I see Bennett striding over to Reid carrying a familiar black case that holds his .300 Win Mag, he passes it off to him with a lift of his chin.

The drive to the airport is silent. My wandering thoughts have me on edge. Is she okay, what are those motherfuckers doing to her? I clench my hands into fists with the thought of anyone putting their hands on my woman. “Don’t let your head go there, son.” My father speaks from beside me. “Focus on their blood—on vengeance.” He’s right, I need to keep my shit together. I’m no good to Bella if I let my emotions cloud my judgment.

Sitting inside Demetri’s plane, I can’t help but think about the kind of wealth he has. My mother was a single parent who sometimes struggled to make ends meet on her nurse’s salary, while my father was able to afford whatever his heart desired. Logically I know it’s not his fault, but it still hurts to know that my grandfather, my own blood, didn’t think I was good enough...that my mother wasn’t good enough for his son. Cutting my eyes over to my father, I see him staring at me like he knows exactly what I’m thinking and I’m startled by the look of devastation on his face. In that moment, I realize he’s hurting just as much as I am, and I need to let my anger go. Bella told me I was lucky to have this second chance with my father. He has shown me nothing but love, patience, and loyalty since coming into my life. I owe it to myself and my mother to give him the same. Something tells me my mom would have wanted it this way.

When we land in Spokane, I watch as my brothers file out of the plane, then I turn to look behind me to see my father talking to the pilot.

“Dad,” I call out.

Pivoting his head in shock, Demetri answers, “son.”

“Thank you,” I say sincerely.

“You’re welcome, Logan,” he answers back with noticeable emotion in his voice. With those parting words, I walk off the plane leaving the ghost of my grandfather behind.

True to his word my father’s men found the address where Bella was being held. We pulled off to the side of a secluded road about a mile from the abandoned house where we knew Jorge, and at least a dozen of his men are located. Jake, Quinn, and I climb out of the SUV along with Demetri and Victor. We remain silent as we ready ourselves. As I’m sliding my 9mm into my shoulder holster, Jake speaks up. “Chances are, these motherfuckers will be expecting us. I’m sure they know by now we killed their president, who happened to be the VP’s father. They’ll be looking for blood,” he cautions us.

Prez is right, there will be no sneaking up this time. We’ll have to go in hot and make this shit quick. I watch as Reid pulls the black case Bennett handed off to him before we left the clubhouse out of the back of the SUV, and takes off in a jog. The dirt road we are on is situated directly behind the abandoned house those sons of bitches are held up in, and Reid is headed off to get in position. The .300 Win Mag that Reid is carrying is the same one Bennett taught us to shoot when we were younger. Reid is an excellent shot and he’s very good at not being seen. My brother is a ghost when need be.

“Alright, it’s show time,” Jake announces as Victor speeds up the dirt road stopping directly in front of the house. We’re barely out of the vehicle when shots are fired in our direction. Demetri is the first to return fire, catching a man on top of the roof, as Jake takes out a man who crept up on the side of the house. I hear several more shots as Quinn and Victor make their way around back, while Jake and I settle up by the front door. Prez gives the signal and on three—boots in the door as I cover him from behind and drill two holes into some fucker’s back as the coward tries to run away. Rushing down the hall I quickly start checking rooms. They’re all empty, except for what I find in the third one that almost brings me to my knees...blood! Blood soaked sheets covering the bed, and my first thought is I’m too late. There’s no way anybody can still be breathing after losing that much blood. “Fuck,” Jake hisses from behind me.

“Jake,” I choke out.

“We don’t know nothin’ for sure, Logan, don’t let your head go there.” I hear Jake’s phone ping. He looks at his message. “Let’s go, Reid has eyes through a window of the basement, he says there’s movement down there.”