We pull right up and no one even notices. I jump out and go around to the back of the van, opening the door. Gabriel comes up beside me, and together we drag the body out. We drop him to the ground, leaving him there.

Hearing a commotion, we turn to see men running from inside the clubhouse towards the front gate, guns drawn.

Stepping on the gas, we haul ass before they could get close enough. Once they see our little present, they will know exactly who they fucked with.

It’s game on motherfuckers.

I need to swing by the warehouse to check the fence that borders the property. I need to know where that bastard could have gotten through. I fire off a text to Prez, letting him know what Gabriel and I are doing.

I walk up to the front of the warehouse and see Austin, the prospect that caught that piece of shit.

“Hey, kid. Good job tonight,” I say, slapping him on the back.

“Thanks, Logan. Just glad I caught him.”

“Alright, man. Gabriel and I are going to walk the fence line to see if we can spot where he slipped through.”

Starting at the west end of the property, I start walking along the fence, and about seventy-five feet in, I see it.

Son of a bitch.

There’s a big, gaping hole in the fence, and the cutters lying on the ground. That fuckin’ idiot even left the damn evidence. Why in the fuck didn’t the sensors get tripped? That’s something I’m going to have to talk to Reid about. He keeps all our technical shit on the up and up.

The hole in the fence is an easy enough fix, so I put the prospect on it while we finish the grounds check.

After finishing up at the warehouse, Gabriel and I make our way back to the clubhouse.

I’m tired as fuck and need a drink. Walking in, I head straight for the bar. With the prospects at the warehouse and front gate tonight, Liz, one of the club girls, is behind the bar.

“Give me a beer and a shot of whiskey,” I tell her, taking a seat on the stool next to Jake.

“Got everything sorted out?”

“Yeah, Prez. It’s done.” I confirm before downing my shot.

“I had a feeling those damn Mexicans were going to give us trouble when they moved their piece of shit club to Dixon.”

“Well, now they know what they are dealing with when fuckin’ with the Kings.”

Jake stands after he finishes his beer and raps his knuckles on the bar, “I’m going home.”

“Take it easy, Prez. I’ll see you in the morning.”

No sooner do I get those words out of my mouth, is when I hear, POP, POP, POP.

Windows shatter in a spray of bullets and everybody hits the floor.

I reach into my cut and grab my gun. Looking around I see Jake and Gabriel crouched under a broken window rapidly returning fire.

I hear screaming coming from over by the hall and see Cassie, another one of the clubwhores, standing there.

“Get the fuck down,” I holler at the stupid bitch.

She drops down and crawls behind the bar with Liz. Over by the pool tables I see Bennett lying on top of Lisa, shielding her from the bullets.

Moments later, everything goes silent.

I pick myself up off the floor and run to the front door, opening it just in time to see two cars race down the street away from the clubhouse.