She then turns her attention to my brother. “Good to see you again, Nikolai.”

“You as well, Myshka.” He replies. I’m about to ask him what the hell Myshka means when Bella beats me to it.

“What does Myshka mean?”

“It’s a term of endearment meaning little mouse.” Nikolai turns to me, “I’m sorry, I should have explained that to you the first time I said it-my apologies, Logan. I would never disrespect your lady.”

“We’re good, brother,” I say with a chin lift and slap on the back, “Come on, I’d like to introduce you guys to the rest of the members.”

Bella excuses herself when she sees her friend approaching. “I’ll be back in a minute, Logan.”

We make our rounds, giving introductions to the rest of the brothers and their families. I was wondering how they were going to fit in. My father and brother are designer clothes and reek of money. As for the Kings, we’re ripped jeans and motorcycle boots. They shock the hell out of me when they sit down at the table with a plate piled with ribs, and dig in using their hands to eat.

The sun is starting to set, painting the sky with a yellow and orange glow. Feeling a chill in the air we decide it’s time to light a fire.

“Anybody got any matches?” I yell.

“I saw some inside earlier,” Bella tells me, getting up from her chair. “I’ll go get them, I want to check on Alba anyway. She went in a few minutes ago but hasn’t come back out.”

I watch my woman’s perfect fuckin’ ass sway as she makes her way inside.

“She’s very beautiful, Logan, you’re a lucky man.” My brother says, coming up beside me.

“You’ll get no arguments from me, I know how lucky I am to have Bella.”

“What about you, Nikolai? You got a woman back home?”

“Hell no, I’m too young to be tied down.”

“Famous last words, brother,” I mumble with a head shake. “I was saying the same thing a short time ago, but Bella changed my mind.”

My conversation with Nikolai is cut short when I notice Bella running across the yard towards the front of the compound near the gate, screaming her sister’s name.

Everything happens in slow motion.

The beer bottle I have halfway to my mouth drops to the ground when I see two men fighting with a struggling Alba, trying to force her into a white van, and Bella running straight for them. A second van pulls up with the side door open, as shots begin to ring out. Men and women scramble to take cover. Women shielding their children, and husbands covering their women while returning fire.

“Bella!” I roar while running towards her.

“Logan!” Bennett hollers from my left, “Get down,” he warns me just as I see one of the men throw something in my direction. I’m suddenly thrown to the ground, then blinded by a flash of light, followed by a loud bang. A minute later, I come to feeling disoriented, and realize it was my father who knocked me to the ground, shielding me.

“Bella!” I shout out, getting to my feet. My brothers come running up behind me, as we rush through the dust and fog, but I already know it’s too late. I feel it in the pit of my stomach. Those motherfuckers got Bella and Alba. They took my woman and her sister. Looking over at my brothers, my family, there’s only one thing to say. “Time for war.”



Waking up, I groan at the pain behind my eyes. My head feels like it’s going to explode and my body feels heavy. I go to bring my hand up to my head, but my arms won’t move. I realize my hands have been tied behind my back. “What the hell?”

Then my memory comes flooding back. Being at the clubhouse, helping Lisa cook, the party, then nothing but pure chaos. Men showing up and shooting at us. Seeing my sister trying to fight off two men as they begin shoving her into a van.

Oh god, this cannot be happening.

I sit up on the cold floor, ignoring the soreness in my body and the pounding in my head. I begin to frantically look around.

“Alba!” I don’t hear her answer, nothing but silence.

I’m almost positive I’m in a basement. Besides a few boxes, there’s nothing in the space surrounding me. I can hear footsteps and murmured voices above me. Okay, Bella, think. What the hell are you going to do? My phone! Please let it still be in my back pocket.