“I’ll talk with her this weekend after the family BBQ. Bella’s been looking forward to it, and I don’t want to ruin it for her. I’ll tell her after the party.”

By the time our meeting is over my father has vowed to use his contacts and whatever resources needed to bring every one of those motherfuckers down.

I woke up this morning to cold and empty sheets. It’s after eight according to the clock on the table beside the bed and I know exactly where my girl is at. Normally I’d be pissed she left our bed before I got my morning fix, but seeing how excited she has been about the party I can’t be mad. It’s all she’s talked about this week. Rolling out of bed I head to the bathroom to take care of business before heading downstairs to seek out my woman. As expected I find her in the kitchen with Lisa and her sister.

“Mornin’, Angel,” I say walking up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck.

“Good morning, Logan. You hungry?”

“I’m good, just some coffee for now,” I tell her before slapping her on her ass. Causing her to shriek.

“I’ll be out back helping the brothers set up if you need anything, beautiful,” I tell her as I head out of the kitchen.

Outside the weather is a little cool, but we’re going to have an above average temperature today of sixty. Perfect for a BBQ, and later tonight we’ll light some bonfires.

I see the prospects setting up tables and chairs, while Quinn is busy arguing with Reid about whose grilling skills are better. Those two have the same disagreement every time we have a cookout.

It’s become some sort of tradition. First, they will argue over using gas or charcoal, then who has the best sauce. Eventually, the whole thing will turn into a cook off, where the brothers will be forced to choose a winner between the two. I don’t think the idiots realize we swap winner’s title back and forth.

Last time Quinn won the title, so today the winner will be Reid. Hell, maybe they do know how we vote and are keeping up the facade like the rest of us, because like I said, it’s tradition.

Scanning the yard, I spot Gabriel sitting on a patio chair surveying the yard while drinking coffee. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Bella and her sister walking towards Blake carrying bags of ice. Blake jogs over to them taking the bags from their hands. Bella turns, making her way over to me while Alba continues to chat up the prospect.

“Baby, you could’ve had one of the brothers carry that ice for you.”

“Logan, I’m perfectly capable of doing things myself.” She tells me with her usual sass.

“Prospect,” Gabriel gravelly voice hollers from across the yard, causing Bella and me to snap our heads in his direction.

“Get your ass back to work,” he orders Blake.

I watch as the prospect puts his hand on Alba, giving her shoulder a light squeeze before returning to work. Fucking kid has no idea he’s stirring the damn pot. He just gave Gabriel a reason to ride his ass. Bella and I watch as her sister walks back inside.

“Well, I better get back in there. You boys play nice.”

“Hey, it’s not me you need to worry about,” I tell her.

“I know, but do me a favor, don’t let big guy over there be too hard on Blake.”

“Sorry, babe, I’m not getting in the middle of that shit,” I say chuckling.

“Fine, I guess I’ll pray for him, I’m sure he’s going to need it.”

The sun is shining and the brothers and their families are beginning to show up. My brother Nikolai sent me a text about twenty minutes ago telling me he and my father were on their way as well.

Bella is anxious to officially meet them. Having her by my side through this whole fucked up ordeal has made things easier. Word has gotten around about Demetri being my father and the club has been nothing but supportive.

Jake has been the only father figure in my life, and no matter what happens between me and Demetri, Jake will always be that for me.

> I’ve been sitting here bullshitting with Bennett awhile when my girl nudges me. I look at her then in the direction she’s pointing. My father and brother have arrived and make their way across the yard in my direction. Standing up I grab Bella’s hand.

“Come on, Beautiful, I want to introduce you.”

I end up meeting them halfway across the yard, “Demetri, Nikolai, I’d like you to meet, Bella.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Bella. Logan has told me much about you.” Demetri says, shaking Bella’s offered hand.

“It’s nice to meet you too.”