
Things have still been quiet with Los Demonios, so Reid and I are riding out to Dixon to see if we can get an idea of what the bastards are up to. I can’t take the waiting around anymore.

Reid and I park our bikes in the brush off the side of the road about half a mile from their compound. We make the trek through the woods until we spot their clubhouse.

As we get closer I notice everything is quiet, and I don’t see so much as a bike—in fact, it looks abandoned. I can tell Reid has made the same observation.

Still being cautious, I draw my piece from my cut as I slowly make my way around the side of the building. Reid stays back, covering me, as I walk towards the front of the clubhouse.

Peering around the corner I see the front door is wide open, exposing an empty room. I give Reid a signal all is clear as I walk into the clubhouse.

“Damn, brother, I wasn’t expecting this. You think those pussies got scared and ran after stealing from us? Maybe they got wind the Russians are in town.”

“I don’t know, man. Let’s look around, see if we find anything, then head back.” I pull my phone from my cut and call Jake.

He answers, “What you got?”

“Nothing Prez. Their clubhouse is empty, fucker’s just up and left.”

“Son of a bitch,” He hisses. “You two get your asses back, I’m calling church.”

“You got it, Prez. See you in thirty.”

“Logan,” he stops me before I hang up. “I want to bring Demetri in on this, you going to have a problem with that?”

Sighing, “No Prez, I think bringing him in is a good idea. I want to be done with this shit.”

“Alright son, I’ll make the call.”

When Reid and I return to the clubhouse I see my father’s black SUV parked out front. I agree with Jake, bringing the Russians in on this is smart. First Lee disappears, and now with Los Demonios in the wind, there will be no more waiting around. My woman and her sister’s life are at stake.

It’s time to end this shit.

Walking into church I see Jake, my father, and my brother, Nikolai, waiting for us. Reid walks in behind me taking his seat while I walk around the table, taking my place next to Prez.

With Quinn at the shop with Bella, Gabriel on watch at the school, and the other brothers out trying to find Lee, it’s only the five of us.

I turn to my right to acknowledge my father and brother. “I appreciate you two coming to meet with us.”

“Anything for you, son,” Demetri replies.

Over the next forty-five minutes, I give them a rundown of the situation. Los Demonios taking our shipment, the arrangement Bella’s stepfather made with them to cover his debt—all of it.

“When was the last time anyone has seen Lee?” Nikolai asks.

“Weeks,” I tell him. “that motherfucker disappeared after the girls’ mom kicked his ass to the curb. We’ve torn this town apart looking for him. He’s the only reason we’ve not made a move on Los Demonios. We were hoping they would lead us to him.”

“Does Bella know of the threat against her and her sister?” Demetri asks.

Shaking my head. “No, I decided against telling her. I didn’t want to put that kind of stress on her. Bella already has enough bullshit to deal with.”

“I understand, but I believe it would be wise to inform her. If she knows of the danger she and her sister are in, it would help her in being more vigilant.”

“I agree,” Jake cuts in.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I nod. I didn’t want it to come down to me having to tell Bella the whole truth, but my father and Jake make a very good point. If she knew everything, she would understand why I always have a brother with her and Alba. I also agree she needs to be more cautious.