“Hey Bella, I’m calling to ask you to lunch today. Mine and Ava’s treat. Can you meet us at the park around noon?” Mila inquiries, with a giggling Ava in the background.

“I’d love to,”

“You still being driven around everywhere?” She questions.

“Not today, Logan is letting me drive myself. You have got to see what the guys did with my car. Mila, it’s beautiful.”

“See you in a few hours then?”


When we hang up, I send a text to Logan letting him know my lunch plans with Mila and where. He texted back telling me he would inform Austin. It’s been forever since I could visit with my friend, so I’m glad I get the chance to catch up with her today. As soon as lunch time rolls around, Austin grabs himself some lunch and mounts his bike to follow me to the park a few blocks from the shop. He decides to hang back near a table by the parking lot. I make my way over to Mila, who has set lunch up over near the playground area. Ava spots me first and comes running with her long, brown curls, wildly bouncy everywhere.

“Bella!” She squeals, jumping into my arms.

Laughing, twirling, and giving her a big hug I smile, “I’ve missed you, pretty girl.”

Giggling she takes her little hands and squishes my cheeks, telling me in her sweet little three-year-old voice, “I miss you.”

Looking up, I see her momma watching, with a smile on her face. “You two come on, it’s time to eat. You don’t have long until you need to get back to work, so let’s make the most of your lunch break.” She says.

Opening the cooler, she pulls out some sandwiches, apple slices, and juice boxes. “Ava made us a picnic lunch today. Isn’t that right Ava?” She says, placing some food on a paper plate, sitting it in front of her daughter.

“I did it all by myself.” Ava proudly announces.

“And you did a wonderful job,” I beam at her.

I take a bite of my sandwich when Mila looks at me, smiling. “You look happy.”

“I am.”

“How’s Alba doing with all this?”

I finish chewing on an apple slice that Ava handed me before answering, “She’s doing good. The guys in the club have been nice to her, to both of us.”

Ava announces she’s done and asks if she can go play. As soon as Mila cleans her little face, she’s running off towards two other kids. I can’t help but think about the possibilities of having kids with Logan someday. What would they look like, how many would he like to have, if any? We haven’t gotten that far into our relationship to be talking about kids or marriage. I know I want these things. I wonder if Logan wants a family someday? No need to daydream or worry about that kind of stuff now. We have plenty of time to figure it all out.

I turn my attention to Mila, “How’ve you been doing, with your Grandma and school?”

Mila is going to nursing school. It’s something she’s wanted to do her whole life. I admire her. She has a lot going on, doing it all by herself and is still finding ways, making sacrifices to chase her dream. I would love to do that someday—go to school that is. One day I’ll get the chance to chase my dreams too.

“I’m good, so is Grandma. I think I’ll have to either put her in a home or get a sitter for her soon. She’s starting to forget where she is sometimes. I worry that she’ll wander off one day, and get lost, possibly hurt herself.”

I start helping clean the food up and put the trash in the can nearby. “I’m sorry, that must be hard, especially with going to night school and already paying a sitter for Ava at night. As soon as things get back to normal, and everything is safe, I can at least help watch Ava sometimes when you’re at night school. I know Alba would too,” I tell her.

“Thanks, that means a lot,” She beams, as she puts the leftover sandwiches and apples back into the cooler, “on a good note, I got that job at the hospital. They said they would keep me in mind for a nursing position after I graduate later this year.”

“That’s fantastic! I’m so excited for you.”

I grab the phone from my pocket to check the time and notice I need to head back to the shop.

Thinking about the BBQ this weekend I ask, “We’re having a BBQ out at the clubhouse this weekend. I’d really like it if you could come out and meet Logan.”

Looking unsure, she wipes her hands on a napkin before throwing it in the trash. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“It’s a family get-together. Nothing wild. You can even bring Ava. Some of the other members have kids she can play with. Come on, it will be fun. Please,” I beg.

I know she would enjoy herself if she gives herself a chance. She never takes the time to relax. She has so much on her plate these days. “You deserve to have some fun, Mila. Come on.” I grab her hands, pleading with her again.