Bringing his hand up, he traces his finger over the top of both breasts, causing my skin to shiver. “Fuck babe, you are so damn sexy.”

He makes me feel sexy. The way my body reacts to him, it does all the talking for me.

Walking behind me, with his chest pressing against my back, Logan brushes my hair to the side and kisses along my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

“Put your hands on the bed, Bella.”

As I place my hands onto the mattress, I hear the rustling of clothes, and his belt buckle hitting the floor. I look over my shoulder and watch as he hooks his thumbs through the strings of my panties and drags them down over my ass, stopping just above my knees. His hands glide up my thighs and splay over my hips, gripping them firmly. “Spread your legs, Angel.”

The raw sound of his voice alone makes me wet as I part my legs and the tip of his cock caresses my opening.

“Fuck, you’re already wet for me,” he growls.

My legs tremble when his finger starts to manipulate my clit, and in one thrust, he buries himself inside me. His pace never lets up, driving into me with such force, I have to grip the edge of the bed to keep from moving.

I feel my walls tighten around his cock as my climax builds with every thrust and every stroke of his finger before my orgasm explodes. Grabbing my hips tighter, he bears down chasing his own release.

The next morning I’m sitting behind the wheel of my car, about to take Alba to school, feeling deliciously used from the night before. Austin is on his bike, riding behind us as we pull out of the gate.

“You ready to get back to school today?” I smile at my sister. She seemed to be eager to leave this morning, which isn’t normal for her.

“Yes, I’m so bored. At least at school, I have more to look at than a bunch of hairy bikers all day.” She admits, reaching up to pull the visor down, applying her lipstick.

“Listen, Blake will be sitting in the parking lot across from the school. They still want us watched, even though things seem to have died down,” I inform her.

Logan didn’t tell me too much, just that there hasn’t been any activity lately—here in town or from where Los Demonios had been staying. He still feels better having a member watch over us for now, and I do too. The presence of his dad might have something to do with them leaving town. My mom hasn’t seen or heard from Lee either, and that’s good news too. Either way, I’m glad to see things might be getting back to normal.

My sister acknowledges with a sigh, “Okay.”

“You want to be brought to the shop or taken back to the compound after school?” I question while coming to a stop at a stop sign.

“I don’t know, I might go over to my friend’s house after school. I haven’t got to hang with her in a couple weeks.”

I feel bad that she hasn’t been able to come and go more freely since staying at the clubhouse.

“Give me a call after school, so I don’t worry. Please,” I add.

We’re pulling up to the high school parking lot when I notice Gabriel sitting across the street. My sister peers over in the same direction.

“I thought you said Blake was going to be out here today?”

“Yeah, that’s what Logan said. I guess there was a change of plans.”

I’m pretty sure that Gabriel had a hand in that. He p

robably insisted he be the one to keep watch of my sister. He has murder in his eyes every time Blake gets anywhere near her.

After dropping Alba of at the front of the school I ride across the street and pull up alongside Gabriel. “Morning, Gabriel.” I sing song. I can’t help myself. I’m in a good mood today, plus, I like Gabriel. I’d rather him watch over my sister than anyone else anyway.

“Bella,” He says, crossing his arms.

“Will you make sure my sister doesn’t forget to call me after school? She might want to go visit her friend today but hasn’t made definite plans. I don’t want to worry.”

“You got it,” he nods, before adding, “She’ll be safe.”

“I know, big guy. Thanks.”

As I’m pulling into the parking lot at work, my phone rings with an incoming call. Pulling it from my purse, the display is lit with a picture of Mila and Ava. Swiping the screen, I answer the call. “Hey!”