“It’s the last door on the left,” I inform her before finally stopping and opening the door.

It’s nice inside. Furnished with the basics. A full-size bed, a dresser that has a flat screen TV sitting on top, and a full-size bath of its own. Most of the rooms here I’m told are like this.

I sit down on the bed, setting the mugs on the nightstand. Alba sits down, joining me on the bed. Before I can even get one bite of my éclair in my mouth, she speaks up.

“Okay, Bella. Spill.”

Sighing, I tell her what I’ve been told. “Lee has been seen hangin’ with a biker club that calls themselves Los Demonios. They’re the rival MC the Kings have been having problems with lately. They also happen to be some pretty shady people from what I’ve heard.

I get up and walk over to the window, opening the curtains to let some light in. I turn, looking back over at my sister who’s still sitting on the bed.

Alba takes a sip of her coffee, “Okay, Lee hanging with scum like that isn’t anything new, but why do we have to be out here? What about Mom?”

“I wish I could tell you more, but that’s all I know. I stopped by and saw Mom at work. She kicked Lee out. She said this time it’s permanent.”

Her mouth gapes open in disbelief. “You’re kidding?”

I nod my head, confirming what I said to be true.

“I say good riddance to his sorry ass,” my sister adds.

I lay back on the bed; my sister doing the same.

“Are the guys worried that something might happen to us or something?”

“Yeah, they just want to make sure we stay safe, and they feel the best place to do that is here.” I shrug my shoulders.

“You really like him, don’t you?” she inquires with a smile.

I smile. I knew she would be asking eventually.

“Yeah, I really like him.”

“Wait!” she shoots up out of the bed and looks down at me. “You’re too relaxed for all this shit that’s going on. Usually, you’re more on edge. What gives?”

Her eyes go big and her hand covers her mouth, but I can still see the smile underneath.

“Bella! Did you have sex with Logan?”

I can’t help the smile that takes over my face and the warmth that fills my body just hearing his name.

“He took me home last night, after everything that happened.”

“Okay, back up. What happened last night?” she asks with concern.

I sigh, knowing I need to tell her, so she knows just how serious all this shit could be.

I give her the rundown of events from last night that lead me out to the clubhouse. And then when I got jealous seeing the same woman that we ran into at the vintage shop hanging all over Logan at the bar.

“Please tell me you said something to that skank.”

“I didn’t last night, but I definitely had my say this morning.” I rub my knuckles that are still sore.

“Ooh, I feel like I need popcorn for this,” my sister says, tucking her legs under her while holding a pillow to her chest.

“Not long after arriving back here this morning, that same chick came up to Logan. While I was sitting right there, she proceeds to hang all over him. I wasn’t about to have that shit happen anymore. So, I told the bitch Logan is mine. And I may have broken her nose when I punched her,” I tell her with a smirk on my face.

“I can’t believe I missed that!” She laughs out.