Jake stands, making his way to the door. “Church in five,” he bellows, walking out of his office.

I stay in my spot kneeling in front of her. “Where’s your sister?”

“She’s at a friend’s house. I need to go check on her, or at least call. My phone is outside in my car, but it’s dead, which is why I didn’t call someone first before coming here.”

“How about I get Gabriel to ride out and make sure she’s okay. You can use the phone on Jake’s desk to call her.”

She nods her head, agreeing.

“Alright, you go on and call your sister while I go sort some shit out.”

I walk into church and see all the brothers already here. As soon as I take my seat, Jake doesn’t waste any time calling me out in front of everyone. “You claimin’ her, son?”

Looking him straight in the eyes, I confess, “She’s mine.”

After a few beats, Jake slaps me on my back. “Fuck yeah! I like her, Logan. She’s strong, loyal and caring as fuck.”

I hear the murmurs of ‘hell yeah’, and ‘it’s about fuckin’ time’ from my brothers.

“Alright, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to why I called this meeting,” Prez calls out.

All my brothers listen as Jake tells them what Bella told us moments ago. A collective round of ‘motherfuckers’ and ‘sons of bitches’ are heard around the room.

I see Reid, typing away on his laptop. Checking our security feed. “You see anything, man?”

He blows out a breath. “Nah, man, nothin’. None of the motion sensors on our property have been tripped.”

The motion sensors are brand new. He added those after Los Demonios shot up our clubhouse. They should have alerted one of us before she even made it to the front gate.

Fifteen minutes later, the brothers all leave church after Jake barks out orders on what our next move is. I asked Gabriel to go by and check on Bella’s sister.

After everyone has cleared the room, I turn to Jake. “I want to take Bella to my place tonight. Will you and the guys be good without me here?”

“Yeah, man. We’re good for tonight. Go on and get out of here.”

Before walking out the door I turn back. “Jake, if you find the son of a bitch that fucked with my woman tonight, you call me. That motherfucker is mine,” I declare.

“You got it, brother.”

Opening the door to Jake’s office, I find Bella, curled up on the couch asleep. She is so fuckin’ beautiful. I walk over to her and gently run my hands through her silky hair. “Bella, wake up.”

She slowly opens her eyes.

“Hey, beautiful. I need the address where your sister is staying, so Gabriel can check on her.”

She rambles off the address as I text it to Gabriel. His reply is instant.

Gabriel: On it.

I turn my attention back to Bella. “Come on, let’s go, babe.”

“Go where?” she asks.

“I’m taking you to my house tonight.”

“No, I’m going home,” she bites out.

“Not fuckin’ happening, Bella. You’re coming home with me. Not risking something happening to you.”