I hear him whisper, “Perfect,” just before walking out the door.

“Yo, Bella. How about that sandwich, darlin’? You got some more of that good tasting shit?”

I had completely zoned out on Quinn. All because of a one blue and one green eyed man.

“There might be some stuff to make one. I’ll bring it out in a few minutes.”

I walk through the break room door and head over to the kitchenette area. Opening the fridge, I find everything I need to make Quinn, and even Jake a sandwich before fixing my own. Once I’m through making lunch, I take Quinn’s to him along with a cold water.

“Thanks, Darlin’,” he says, picking up the sandwich, taking a bite.

“Fuck yeah,” he nods his chin at me, thanking me while chewing.

“I’m going to take this other one to Jake. I haven’t seen him come out of the office all day. He has to be hungry by now.”

Quinn is busy devouring his lunch, so I turn and head back inside. I raise my hand to knock on Jake’s door and get startled when I hear him roar.


I’m not sure what’s going on, so I knock on the door a little louder than usual and wait.

“It’s open,” he barks.

Walking in, I see him standing at the window. The scowl on his face that seems to be permanently etched in his skin slightly disappears when he turns and notices that I’m there.

“Bella, what do ya need sweetheart?”

“I haven’t seen you come out of your office for anything all day, so I brought you something to eat. Thought you might be hungry.”

Sitting down in his chair, he lets out a heavy sigh, “Shit. Yeah, Bella. I’m hungry. Sit down with me.”

This is a first. I sit down in the chair across from his desk and set my water down.

“You okay, Jake?”

He eyes me for a moment before speaking. “Nothing this club can’t take care of.”

I bob my head, “Okay.”

Jake takes a bite of his lunch. I can tell whatever is going on is weighing him down. He looks so tired. “Bella, I do have something I could use your help with.”

I look at him over my PB&J I just took a bite of.

“Sure, Jake. What do you need?” I ask after swallowing the bite.

He sits back in his chair a bit. “I have some price quotes I was supposed to drop off to Grace, over at the bakery. I’ve got some club shit that needs taken care of, so I won’t have time. Could you take them by after work for me?”

I’ve just finished the last of my food, and I take a drink of water before replying.

“Sure. I can do that. Those donuts you’ve been bringing in lately are amazing and she makes the best cinnamon rolls. That gives me an excuse to pick one up on my way home.” I smile.

I see the corner of Jake’s mouth turn up. I leave his office and soon after he’s heading out, dropping off the papers I need to deliver before heading out the door. I stick them in my purse, so I don’t forget them later.

The rest of the day goes by quickly and before I know it, it’s 7:00 pm and we’re closing for the night. Logan never did show up today, so Quinn walks me to my car.

“You let him know when you get home.”

“Who?” I look at him. I wasn’t aware that he knew I always let Logan know when I made it home at night.