“I’m going to need you to stick around the club more often. You have a room here, so since you and some of the other brothers don’t have old ladies or kids I’m going to be posting you, and whoever else you need here at the warehouse overnight.”

He’s right. Those of us not tied down don’t have as much to lose.

“You got it, Prez. I want Quinn and Reid on night watch at the warehouse. That’s where most of Reid’s computer equipment is anyway, and I want Gabriel here with us. We’ll put some of the other guys on watch during the day. We have the shops to run and don’t want to risk burn out on anyone,” I tell him.

“Sounds good,” he agrees, downing the shot put in front of him.

“I’m not too keen on the Russians wanting to be a part of all this, but I get it. They’ve been putting up with Los Demonios, awhile now. I don’t like the idea of someone else dictating what we do and when we do it though,” I gruff out.

“Look, we need the extra men they can send. Those fuckers outnumber us. The Russians dropped themselves in our laps, and I’m not fucking up our association with them.”

I know he’s right. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.

“You’re right. Better to have them on our side, than against it.” I down the last of my beer.

“I’m gonna head out. I’ll be back later.”

Jake nods his head and continues with his drink.

On the short ride to my house, I can’t help but think about Bella. If all this shit wasn’t going on I would have already had her in my bed.

Which is why I’m still pissed that she won’t talk to me.


I scrub my hand down my face as I pull into my driveway. Getting off my bike, I walk through the door in the garage leading into the laundry room and make my way to the kitchen. I might as well grab a bag of my shit. I’m gonna need it since I’ll be staying at the club awhile.

I didn’t waste much time gathering my things, before loading up and heading back toward the club. It’s starting to get late, and I need to make sure the men know where they need to go by night fall.

I decided to try and call Bella again.

Still no fucking answer.

First thing tomorrow morning, we are going to get some shit straight and find out what the fucking deal is with her avoiding me.

As I’m pulling up to the club, I notice that the guys have decided to cut loose tonight with a party. The music is loud, and I can smell food cooking on the grill out back. I figure, what the hell, they need to unwind a bit with all the shit going on right now, and so the fuck do I.

I grab my bag and head on in.

Walking past the bar, I tell Blake to have a cold beer and a bottle of whiskey waiting for me when I come back down.

I spot Quinn standing at his bedroom door as some blonde wanders out.

“Hey, Logan,” she coos, passing by.

“Are you going down to join the party, brother?” I stop, asking him.

“No, man. I just had my fun for the night. Prez said you wanted Reid and me out at the warehouse, so I don’t need to get too lit.”

“Anyone else you need just let me know. I think I’m going to shower, then head on down and have a drink.”

I turn to go down the hall to my room, and Quinn yells out to me “Yo, Logan. Hear from Bella?”

“Not a fucking peep, brother. Don’t know what’s up with her.”

“You’d better claim her, man, before someone else does,” He adds.

I clench my fist. “What the fuck does that mean, brother? You interested?”