My sister is obsessed with blue. I believe everything she owns is blue.

“I want to come too,” she demands.

“Of course, you’re coming with me. You think I would do it without you?” I smile at her.

“Where are you getting it done? Doesn’t the club have a place?”

“Yeah. I was talking with Quinn about it the other day. He said to go have Gabriel work on me.”

“Ooh, I like that name. He has the perfect sexy billionaire book name.”

I roll my eyes at her comment. “You, and your books.”

A flash of red reflecting through the storefront windows catches my attention as a bright red Camaro pulls into the parking spot next to my car. I watch as two women get out and walk towards the store. The bell over the door chimes. I watch as they both walk in. One has short bleach blonde hair and her friend has medium length black hair. The blonde is wearing a crop top showing her stomach and a jean skirt that barely covers her ass cheeks. Her friend is dressed the same. Both outfits screaming look at me and the strong smell of perfume that follows them is nauseating.

As we continue to shop, I notice the blonde giving me a nasty look. I have no idea what her problem is. I don’t even know her.

“Do you know that woman?” Alba asks, glancing back over her shoulder at them.


“Well, she looks like she wants to pull your hair out.”

Just then, the blonde and her friend walk over to us. The sound of her clearing her throat makes me cringe. She’s standing there with her hand on her hip and a sneer on her face.

“Bitch, you need to stay away from my man.”

Has this little twit lost her mind? “Um, I don’t know who the hell you’re talking about.”

“I’m talking about Logan. He’s my man, and I want you to stay the fuck away from him.”

Logan has a woman? What the hell? All the texting, the phone calls... the kiss. That’s why he’s been a little distant. You know what, I could care less about her being with Logan. Who am I kidding, I’m lying to myself. I do care. I want Logan. Turns out he doesn’t want me.

Collecting myself, I stand a little taller and look her right in the eyes. “Look, Logan and I work together, that’s it. So whatever you think is going on between us, isn’t. He’s not interested in me.”

“Oh, I know he doesn’t want you, because he was just telling me the other night how good my pussy is.” she says while her friend snickers beside her.

I hold my hand up to stop her from talking any further. “You know what? I think it’s time for twat one and twat two to go on about their business.”

I feel Alba pulling on my arm. “Come on Bella, let’s just go,” she pleads with me.

If my sister wasn’t with me, there would be no way I’d back down from this bitch, but my sister is not a fighter and always avoids confrontations. She is the only person I would show this much restraint for. So, as much as it pains my ass, I grit my teeth and we walk away.

Coming out of the store, I walk over to twat one’s car I saw her climb out of earlier. I take the keys in my left hand and proceed to drag them across the hood of her car, and all the way down the driver’s side.

Sliding into my car, I look over at Alba. She has her mouth hanging open.

“What?” I say innocently shrugging my shoulders.

“Don’t let people walk all over you, Alba. I may have walked away from that skank just now, but when she comes out and gets a look at her car, the bitch will have a pretty good idea who did it.”

Keying her car might seem petty, but right now knowing how much it’s going to cost her to fix it is worth it. At least, that’s what I tell myself. I partially did it because my feelings are a raging mess after hearing Logan has a woman.

I feel so stupid.

How could I have not seen that he had a woman already? Was I that blind?