“But—” she starts to protest.

“No buts, Alba. Next time you call me, okay?”

“Okay, I promise,” she sighs while swiping at a tear that rolls down her cheek.

“Come here.”

I sit down beside her. She scoots closer to me, laying her head in my lap for me to stroke her hair.

“It’s going to be okay, Alba. I’ve got this new job now, and it pays more than the grocery store. I’m able to save money, and soon I’ll be able to afford to get our own place.”

I’m a little nervous driving into work the next day. My sister has school break coming up in a few weeks, and after what happened last night, I can’t risk leaving her home alone all day knowing Lee could be hanging around. I need to ask Jake if I can bring her into work with me while she’s out of school.

In the short time I’ve been working at Kings, Jake has been nothing but kind, but asking him such a huge favor has me a bit nervous.

I arrive the same time as Jake, and I see him getting off his bike. Of course, he also has a pink box in his hand. Every morning I’ve worked here he has been stopping at this cute little bakery in town. It opened about six months ago. They have the best pastries. I suspect that his obsession with donuts has something to do with the pretty baker that owns the place.

“Good morning, Jake.”

“Mornin’, sweetheart.”

Walking in, I see Logan and Quinn are already here. They usually come in early to set up for the day.

“Hey, Prez. What’s with the donuts every day?” Quinn questions, with a knowing smile.

“I like donuts,” Jake tells him.

Quinn, being Quinn, wasn’t letting it go.

“Yeah, they are pretty kickass. In fact, they’re so good, I’m thinking of going to town, so I can personally tell that sexy as hell, redheaded baker exactly how much I enjoy her sweet treats,” He says that last part while wiggling his eyebrows.

He must have a death wish, because as soon as those words leave his mouth, Jake punches him in the face.

“You go anywhere near Grace, and I’ll personally rip your goddamn balls off!” Jake declares with fury in his voice.

I’m standing there, stunned. I look over at Logan, and he’s smiling. Turning my attention back to Quinn, who is now picking himself up off the floor. He’s wiping the blood from his lip with the back of his hand, but also has the biggest damn grin on his face.

“You son of a bitch!” Jake growls, before stomping off to his office.

“I can’t believe you did that to him.” I fuss.

He winks at me and turns back to the bike he was working on.

I turn, looking back at Logan just as he’s walking off muttering ‘idiot’ under his breath.

Later, I make my way to Jake’s office. Hopefully, he’s cooled down from this morning and not in a pissed off mood. I see his door closed, so I knock.


I poke my head in. “Hey Jake, you got a minute?”

When he sees it’s me, his face softens. “Sure, sweetheart. Whatcha need?”

I let out a deep sigh. “My sister

is out of school for spring break in a few weeks, and I wanted to ask if I can bring her into work with me during the day that week? I promise she won’t be in the way. You won’t even know she’s here.”

“Ah, not that I mind her being here, Bella. Isn’t she old enough to be left alone?”