Reid has just pulled in behind us as I’m getting out and making my way to the passenger side to open the door.

“Babe, wake up. You’re home.”

She opens her sleepy eyes and reaches up, touching my face. “Thank you, Logan. For everything.”

I usher her out of the car and close the door, handing her the keys. I bend down and kiss the top of her head.

“Goodnight, Angel.”

“Goodnight, Logan.”

I watch her walk inside, and close the door before climbing into Reid’s truck, where he’s wearing a goofy fuckin’ grin.

Looking at him I say, “What?”

“You didn’t kill someone for that girl tonight,” he states.

“Yeah,” I respond, folding my arms across my chest.

Reid stares back ahead. As he takes off he says, “Good.”



Glancing in the rearview mirror of my car on the way home from work, I look at the fading bruise on my face and run my finger over my skin. It’s been a few days since Mason attacked me at the shop and since then the guys have assured me that he won’t be a problem anymore. My sister happened to be sound asleep that night when Logan dropped me off at home, so she had no clue what had happened until she saw the welt on my face the next morning. She’s been texting me every day since then at least an hour before I leave work to check on me and make sure I’m not alone.

I’m pulling up to my house and the driveway is full of cars. Lee and his scummy friends are here. Dread settles in my stomach knowing my sister is home alone with them. I forgot that mom had to work late tonight. I know she told him not to come back. Mom kicked him out after their last fight. He’s been gone for several weeks. I bet she doesn’t even know he’s here at the house.

Parking my car on the street, I jump out and make my way to the house. I can already hear the loud music coming from inside.

Opening the front door, I’m immediately hit with the stench of cigarettes and sweat. I spot the low life himself, sitting at the kitchen table with three of his friends. I ignore their eyes leering at me as I head straight to mine and Alba’s room.

I open the door and don’t see her. My heart starts racing and I begin to panic. I feel a light breeze that has me looking to my right, noticing the window is open. Rushing over I look out into the night. That’s when it hits me. She’s at the park. Walking back through the kitchen, I pass Lee making my way to the front door.

“Where you off to, Bella?” He says with a drunken slur.

I don’t bother responding to him. That prick is an afterthought. I walk out slamming the door behind me.

When I arrive at the park, it’s so dark I can hardly see. I dig in my purse for my cell phone to use as a flashlight.

This is the place Alba comes to feel safe when things get too overwhelming at home. She knows this is the first place I’d look if I needed to find her. I know exactly where she’ll be—the top of the tube slide.

Climbing the steps of the jungle gym, I make it to the top and see the glow of her flashlight she carries on her keychain. She’s sitting just inside the opening with her legs crossed, the light shining on the book cradled in her lap. I stand there for a minute looking at my little sister. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t have to climb out of the bedroom window and walk to a park at night just to hide because she doesn’t feel safe in her own home.

She senses me and turns her head.

“Hey, Bella.”

“Hi, kiddo.”

“Lee showed up,” she says.

“I know, I was just there. You weren’t in the room, so I knew I’d find you here. You know you can call me anytime, even when I’m at work.”

“I know, Bella, but you just started that new job, and I didn’t want you to get in trouble having to leave early because of me.”

“Alba, you come first, you hear me? No job is more important than you.”