Never breaking eye contact with me, I wait for her to give me the go ahead before placing the warm washcloth to her face to wipe away the dirt and dried tears. The welt is starting to bruise a bit, so I’m careful not to wipe too hard on her cheek. I can feel the tension build at the thought of that prick marking her face this way. Bella senses it and places her hand over mine.

“I’m okay, Logan.”

Looking at her, I’m once again hit with a strong urge to kiss her. I never thought I would need more in my life than the club and my brothers. I’ve never felt so unsatisfied with not having more... until now. Until this beautiful woman in front of me made me crave it-crave her.

Letting my hand fall from her face, I reach over and grab the t-shirt I laid next to her. “Here, put this on while I go grab us both a cup of coffee.”

She looks down at the shirt, then back to me. “Um, I’ll just go to the bathroom and change.”

“I’ll keep my back turned until you’re changed. I promise I won’t peek,” I say smiling at her.

Her face flushes, returning a smile of her own.

I turn and head towards the counter. I reach up and take two mugs out of the cabinet and proceed to pour the coffee, taking my time, until I hear her softly say.

“You can turn around now.”

I turn, with both mugs in my hands, and she is walking to the table. The t-shirt swallows her. An image of her in nothing but my shirt flashes through my mind.

“Thanks for the shirt, Logan.”

She sits down, taking the mug I sat in front of her. I sit down, joining her, and we enjoy the silence for a moment before my cell rings.

Looking at my phone I see it’s Gabriel, swiping the screen I answer. “You find the package out back by the dumpster?”

“Yeah,” he replies.

Bella shifts in her chair, intently watching me.

Not taking my eyes off her, I continue with my phone call. “The fucker jumped Bella tonight. He stays alive, just have some fun with him first. Find out his address, and dump him after you’re done.”

She visibly relaxes in her chair a bit after hearing what I said to Gabriel and finishes her coffee.

Gabriel doesn’t ask any questions. He only lets out a huff, before hanging up.

“Thank you,” Bella whispers, peering at me over the rim of her coffee mug.

Leaning forward, I do what I’ve wanted to do all night. Hell, for days. I grab her face, brushing my lips against hers, then pull away and peer into those beautiful eyes of hers.

“Only this one time. He’s alive because you asked, but I won’t do it again, babe.”

Licking my taste off her

lips, she nods her head. “I understand.”

“Good. Now, let’s get you home. I’m driving you in your car. I’ll text Reid to pick me up from there. You’re exhausted and don’t need to be behind the wheel tonight.”

I shoot off a text to Reid with Bella’s address and finish locking up the shop. I lead her to the car, helping her in and buckling her up.

“Logan, I’m a big girl. I can buckle myself in.”

“Shut up woman and let me take care of you.”

I finish latching the buckle before closing the door and walk around, climbing into the driver’s seat. My knees are crammed so far under the steering wheel, it’s painful.

I hear Bella’s soft giggle beside me as I slide the seat back far enough to get my legs comfortable. I love the sound of her giggle. It makes me smile.

About twenty minutes later, we’re pulling up in her driveway. I look over to see she’s sound asleep.