
The weight of Logan’s firm muscular body pressing against mine has my whole-body buzzing. Pulling my hair to one side, his lips make their warm decent down the side of my neck and over my shoulder. The feel of his hands caressing my skin as they run over the curve of my hips has me desperately wanting more.

Rubbing my ass against his hard length, his cock slips between my legs. He begins sliding the head of his cock along my wet folds. A whimper escapes my lips just before he thrust into me from behind. Reaching his hand around, he starts to rhythmically work my clit.

“You’re gonna come for me, Bella,” his words rasp in my ear, causing my skin to tingle. “I want to feel your tight pussy come all over my cock.”

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.

Opening my eyes, I groan as I reach over to shut my alarm off. I blow out a frustrated breath. My body is still tingling and my panties soaked. I’ve been waking up the same way for weeks now. Logan consumes my every waking thought, and now he’s taken over my dreams as well. He still hasn’t moved our relationship past being friends, even though he sometimes gives me the impression that he wants more. Of course I’m too much of a chicken to make the first move.

Looking over, I see Alba’s bed is empty, which is surprising because my sister is not an early riser. It’s a struggle getting her butt up every morning.

Walking out of our room and into the hall, I stop in my tracks when I see Lee hovering by the bathroom door with his hand on the knob. My stomach clenches because I know Alba is in there.

Rushing over, I get right up in his face. “Get the hell away from that door.”

“What? She’s been in there awhile. Just wanted to make sure she’s alright is all.”

“You’re disgusting.” I seethe.

Lee’s face goes red, “Your mouth is going to get you in trouble, little girl. I would watch it if I were you.”

The bathroom door opens, and Alba lets out a startled yelp. “Bella, is everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Come on,” I say, grabbing her hand and leading her back to our room.

“Are you going to tell me what that was all about between you and Lee back there?”

“It’s nothing for you to worry about.”

After eyeing me for a second, she goes about getting ready for school.

A few hours later, I’m in the break room at work making lunch for everyone. It’s become my thing. Logan has even started eating with me every day unless he has club business.

I look forward to our time together, getting to know one another. We mostly talk about everyday things like when my sister and I moved to Montana and what high school I went to.

In return, he told me about growing up with the club and how much his brothers mean to him. I found myself so comfortable with Logan that I’m sitting here telling him about my father and the abuse my sister and I suffered as children.

My father is a subject I never talk about. The memories of the beatings and verbal abuse are too much at times and can trigger panic attacks.

I’m stunned at Logan’s reaction after telling him about my father. His body is vibrating with anger as he stands up from the table and starts pacing the break room, then he stops, turns, and punches a hole in the wall.

“Son of a bitch!” he roars.

I sit here a little confused by his actions. He must have taken my confused look for something else because he immediately drops to his knee in front of me.

“You have no reason to be afraid me, babe. I would never hurt you.”

“I know, I’m not scared of you. I just don’t understand why you’re so upset.”

“I’m upset because the thought of any man putting their hands on you—on a child—makes me want to kill the motherfucker.”

“It was a long time ago, Logan. I’m fine now.”

“Where is the piece of shit now?” He asked through clenched teeth.
