Fuck. I can’t sleep. I’ve been lying here staring at the ceiling for the past couple hours. I’m feeling too uneasy about the run we have coming up. Ever since Los Demonios moved their club into Dixon, they have kept to themselves. They’re mostly into selling drugs and pussy, but as long as they don’t bring their drugs to Polson, we don’t give two shits about what they do. The Kings have an understanding with our local police. We help them keep Polson clean and in return they look the other way when it comes to our less than legal operations.

What has me pissed the fuck off is their sudden interest in our operations and why those pussies thought they could come into our territory and try to steal from the Kings.

I sit up on the edge of my bed. Sighing, I run my hand through my hair, deciding that if I can’t sleep, I may as well take a shower and start my day.

After spending a good fifteen minutes under the spray of hot water to relax my muscles, I dry off and pull on a pair of jeans, my boots, and a long sleeve black Henley. I slide my cut on, lock up my room, and head to the kitchen.

I see Reid sitting at the table. Looking over, I notice a fresh pot of coffee sitting on the counter. I fix myself a cup before taking a seat across from him. We sit in silence for a moment before I speak.

“You still not sleeping?”

“You know how it is,” he says, shrugging his shoulders.

“Yea, brother...I do.”

We’ve all got our own demons keeping us up at night. My brother is struggling right now. Reid was in an accident almost four years ago causing him to lose his leg, but that’s not what he struggles with. He lost his little brother in that car accident. I lost one of my best friends. The whole club was devastated when Noah died.

Changing the subject, I ask, “Do you have today’s route mapped out for us?”

Reid is the club’s road captain, and he plans all our runs. We take a different route every time, making sure we stay off police radar.

“Yep, we’re all set, brother. I think we should take a prospect with us today,” he suggests. “You know with all the shit that’s going down, we could use the extra eyes.”

“Let me run it by Prez.”

Lisa comes walking in with Bennett, “Hey, boys. I’m going to make some breakfast. You hungry?”

“Hell yeah. You know we’re not about to turn down your cookin’.”

After I finish two helpings of eggs, bacon, and toast I take my empty plate to the sink where Lisa is washing the dishes.

“Thanks, Lisa,” I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Anytime, sweetheart. You boys be safe out there today.”

I leave the kitchen and make my way down the hall towards Jake’s office.

When I pass Cassie in the hall, I try to ignore her, but she reaches out grabbing my arm to stop me.

“Hey, baby. I’m going to miss you,” she purrs while running her hands up my chest. I take her wrist and move her hand off me.

“Not now, Cassie.”

“Come on, Logan. Why don’t you let me take care of you before you go?”

“Fuck, Cassie! Go find some other brother’s cock to suck, that’s what you’re here for.” I bark at her, completely fucking annoyed at the way she’s been acting lately.

“You’re acting this way because of that bitch, aren’t you?”

“What the fuck you are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about that little bitch you work with.”

Suddenly, I see red. In one swift movement, I wrap my hand around the bitches throat and push her against the wall. Her eyes go big, shocked by my actions.

“Bella is none of your fuckin’ business. You, Cassie, are a clubwhore, and your only business is laying on your back or getting on your knees. Is there any part of that you don’t understand?”

After nodding her head quickly, I let her go.