I look between him and my now ex-boss and decide not to question anything. I pull the door open and walk inside.

I walk back through to the front of the store, avoiding all the looks people are giving me. Mila has concern written all over her face but has a line of customers now. If it weren’t for that, she would be over to me in a second. I’m sure I look a mess as I walk out the doors of the store and out into the parking lot to my car.

As soon as I unlock it and get in I lose what little control I have left, letting the tears flow.

I had my boss proposition me in the back alley to keep my job, and now I’m unemployed. All I can think about now is how am I going to take care of Alba and myself now.

Lost in my thoughts and self-pity, I hear a tapping on my car window. I look up to see the stranger that helped me out in the alleyway. I roll the window down and he kneels to eye level. That’s when I get a much better look at him. He has light brown hair that’s peppered with gray and a thick bushy beard that I’m pretty sure hasn’t seen a razor in a long time.

But it’s his eyes that make me feel at ease. His dark blue eyes are kind, a stark contrast to the rough look that the rest of him has.

“Name’s Jake. I wanted to make sure you’re okay, sweetheart.”

I wipe my eyes and rub my hands down my pant legs. “I’m okay. Unemployed, but okay. Thanks for stepping in back there. I...” Sighing, I rein in my anxiety. “I don’t know what I’m going to do now. I really needed that job. I have a sister to care for.”

“You didn’t need a fucking job at the price he was asking, now did you?” Jake gruff out.

“No, I don’t.”

He looks at me a moment longer, then stands up and pulls something from his back pocket. He hands me a business card. Taking it from him, I look at it and realize it is the same card that Quinn the biker gave me this morning when he helped change my tire. KINGS CUSTOM BIKES.

I look up at him and notice he’s wearing a cut with a patch that reads PRESIDENT.

This is the second biker that has helped me out today.

“Listen, I’m kind of in need of front desk help at my shop. I’m not promising anything, but I’m willing to give you a chance. So if you can be here,” He points to the address on the card, “first thing Monday morning, then I’ll take you on and see how you do.”

I’m at a loss for words for a second before clearing the cloud from my brain.

“Yes! I’ll be there. Just tell me what time.”

“9:00 am.”

With that, he walks off towards the bakery next door.



We have been cruising the streets day and night, looking for any sign of Los Demonios. Those fuckers have caused major headaches the past few days. We’ve got a run coming up soon. I don’t want them to cause any issues, which is why we’ve all been working twice as hard to flush them out. On top of that, the men are tired. Everyone has been on some type of watch duty.

When I got to the shop, dragging my own tired ass behind me this morning, I decided to approach Jake and ask him to let the brothers unwind at the clubhouse tonight. He agreed everyone needed to let loose, so the prospects have first watch along with a couple others who volunteered.

It’s been a long ass week, and all I wanted was some whiskey in my veins and my cock in some pussy, and that’s exactly what I got when I rode out to my club’s compound, and a party was already in full force.

Waking the next morning I see the sun is just beginning to come through the window in my room. I roll over to the side of my bed in search of my pants to retrieve my phone. Seeing it’s only six thirty, I’ve got plenty of time for a shower. When I go to get out of bed I feel an arm snake around my waist. Jerking my head over, I look behind me and see Cassie.

“Come back to bed baby.”

“What the fuck you still doing here?”

“I fell asleep,” she purrs.

“You know the fuckin’ rules, Cassie. Get the fuck out.”

I get out of bed, heading to the bathroom. “I want you gone by the time I get out.”

After I’ve showered away the smell of cheap perfume and booze, I walk out of the bathroom and notice Cassie has left. Bitch is starting to get too fuckin’ clingy. It looks like I may need to find some new pussy.