“And she is holding a ball in your honor, to welcome you to court. She has invited every eligible gentleman to attend,” said Nanny.

But both girls started to cry.

“What’s the matter?” asked the Fairy Godmother. “Why are you crying?”

“Well, look at us! We can’t go to the palace looking like this. And who says we want to attend a ball, or even want to marry?” said Drizella.

“The choice is yours, of course,” Nanny said.

“Oh, but surely you’d like to see your sister,” Fairy Godmother cut in, “and then you can decide if you’d like to stay there with her, or come back to live here. It’s entirely up to you.”

“I think I would like to go back home to England after we tell Cinderella how sorry we are for everything that happened,” said Anastasia.

“I would, too. But how can we? And how can we possibly face Cinderella after what we did to her?” Drizella added through tears.

“Oh, my dear girl,” said the Fairy Godmother. “Cinderella said something to me many years ago, on her wedding day. She said she understood why you and your mother hated her. At the time I didn’t understand. But after reading your story, I think now I do.”

“Do you really think she will forgive us?” asked Anastasia.

“Oh, my darling girl, she already has,” said Nanny. “And I hope you will find it within your hearts to forgive her,” she added, taking both of the girls’ hands.

“Oh, Nanny!” said Anastasia. “We really have missed you.” She hugged the old woman again. “But we can’t go to the castle like this!”

“Well, dears, that’s what you have fairy godmothers for!” said the Fairy Godmother, winking at Nanny.

“Oh, I know you want to sing the bibbidi-bobbidi-boo song! Go on, then!” said Nanny.

The Fairy Godmother was happier than she had been in years. Singing her magical words and waving her wand, granting wishes, and setting things right, but this time it was with her sister, Nanny. She had dreamed one day they would do magic like this together, and finally her dream had come true. And before they both knew it, the entire house was made beautiful again, as it had been years before. Just like that.

“Now, girls, we completely understand if you don’t wish to live here, but you’re welcome to, of course. Cinderella says the house is yours. But just say the word and we will arrange another place for you to stay, or send you back to England. We will carry out your wishes,” said the Fairy Godmother, eyeing the royal carriage that had just arrived.

Anastasia and Drizella stood in amazement.

“Come along, girls, there is a carriage to take you to see your sister at the royal palace. She is waiting for you.” The Fairy Godmother ushered the girls toward the carriage.

“But…” said Drizella.

“But nothing. Cinderella is very excited to see you,” she said, pushing them to the carriage door.

“But, Fairy Godmother,” said Anastasia, “we’re not dressed properly.”

“Oh yes, the dress. I always forget,” said the Fairy Godmother with a laugh, remembering how she had almost forgotten Cinderella’s dress until the very last moment all those years ago. “Nanny, would you like to do the honors this time?” she asked.

“It would be my pleasure,” said Nanny, conjuring beautiful gowns for Anastasia and Drizella. The Fairy Godmother could tell her sister was enjoying fairy-craft—she was in her element really—and it made her smile to see her happy again after everything she had gone through with her other charges. The two fairies stood back, admiring their handiwork, and they thought Lady Tremaine was right: her daughters were beautiful. They looked so lovely in their gowns. Anastasia’s was a voluminous crimson dress with an elaborate golden brocade, and Drizella was wearing one in eggplant with silver embellishments. They were stunning.

“Now then, you two look perfect. Absolutely beautiful,” said the Fairy Godmother.

“Oh really, Fairy Godmother? Do we really?” asked Anastasia.

“Oh yes, my dears,” she said right before the girls enveloped her and Nanny in hugs and kisses.

“Thank you so much!” they said as one, stepping into the carriage.

“No, wait, we forgot one thing,” the Fairy Godmother said, shooting sparks at both of their feet. “We mustn’t forget the glass slippers!” she said. “Now you truly are perfect! Oh yes, and here is your royal invitation.” She handed it to Anastasia. “Be sure to show it to the guards when your carriage arrives to the castle. And please tell Cinderella how much I love her.”

“Aren’t you coming with us?” asked Drizella.

“Oh, no, dear, we plan to fill your closets with lovely clothes and figure out what to do with all these cats! There’s still work to be done here. Don’t worry, Cinderella will take good care of you. And if you ever need anything at all, please just make a wish upon a star, and I promise you this time we will appear,” said the Fairy Godmother.