“I do think she would come, my love. Now skedaddle and make that call.”

“I think I will!” I said as Jackson came into the room to see if Jack would like to sit in the dining room with his port while we ladies went into the drawing room.

“Yes, Jackson. I will sit in here for a spell while Cruella makes her call. Can you arrange a line for her in the sitting room? She would like to call Miss Anita,” he said. Then he gave me a big kiss right in front of Mama. (Americans. You have to love their audacity.) Mama and I left Jack to his port, and I poured Mama and myself some tea.I waited for Jackson to come back and arrange my call to Anita.

“Cruella,” Mama said, with clear disdain, “do you really think it’s wise to invite Anita at the last moment? Don’t you think she would be insulted that you hadn’t invited her months ago along with the other guests?”

“Anita doesn’t care about those sorts of things, Mama.”

“Well then, perhaps you should think about how I would feel. It’s bad enough I am losing my only daughter. Do I have to share the day not only with her husband but with an insolent girl who treated me with such disrespect in my own home? Would you insult me like that, Cruella? Would you do that to us, now that we’ve become such good friends again? You know how I detest that girl. Isn’t it enough that I’ve allowed that Miss Pricket back into our household? Am I expected to suffer her company as well as Anita’s?”

“Mama, Miss Pricket has been well out of your way. The poor thing has been hidden away and out of your sight. And besides, she is joining my household. After this evening she won’t be spending another night under your roof. As far as Anita is concerned, though, you’re right. I’m sorry, Mama. Jack is just trying to make me happy.”

“What’s that, love? Do I feel my ears burning? Were you talking about me?” Jack said as he came striding into the room, all smiles, with a little skip in his step.

“That was quick,” I said.

“I couldn’t stand to be parted from you one more moment! It’s bad enough I have to go to my club this evening, and I won’t see you until tomorrow at the wedding.” My Jack was always so sweet like that. And don’t get the wrong end of the stick, he always meant what he said. He was entirely devoted to me. “My dearest, if you don’t mind, I think we will do away with this nonsense of men staying in the dining room to drink port while the ladies withdraw to the drawing room in our new home together. It’s antiquated, and most of our lady friends can talk circles around most men anyway,” he said, sitting on the love seat next to me.

“It’s all the fashion, having the ladies and gentle-men withdraw to the same room. It’s more lively, and modern.”

“So, how did your call with Anita go?” he asked.

“Oh, well, Mama brought up a very good point. She thinks Anita would be insulted if I were to invite her at the last moment.” Jack narrowed his eyes. I could tell what he was thinking, but he was too polite to say so in front of my mama.

“As you wish, my love,” he said. “As long as you’re happy.” He flashed me his brilliant smile.

“I am, my love. Very happy. Perhaps I will call Anita when we get back from our honeymoon,” I said. And I meant it. I honestly wanted her there for my wedding more than anything, but I couldn’t upset Mama. I didn’t want to ruin my new relationship with her.

“We should have her and her musician come stay with us, it will be a scream,” Jack said. “It will be just the sort of thing we will need once we get back from all our travels, don’t you think, dear? I can have some of my friends out as well. It will be the perfect opportunity for our friends to mingle and get to know each other.”

“That sounds divine,” I said, but I was distracted by Mama’s frown. Jack kept talking.

“You know, I have half a mind to call Anita myself and tell her to come tomorrow. I know you won’t truly be happy tomorrow unless she is there. I don’t think we should wait until we’re back from our travels.”

Mama cleared her throat.

“Well, it seems like you have your life all figured out, Cruella. Since it doesn’t seem as if you’ve factored me in at all, I suppose I should arrange to leave first thing tomorrow.”

“Leave? First thing tomorrow? Mama! Tomorrow is my wedding.”

“Yes, dear, but it can’t be helped. I think it’s best if I were to leave for my trip sooner.” I was in shock.

“What trip? You hadn’t mentioned a trip before now.”

“Come now, Lady De Vil. That isn’t fair,” said Jack, but I squeezed his hand, signaling him to leave it to me. I had an idea—maybe my last and only chance to get Mama to stay.

“Well, Mama, if you leave tomorrow then you will miss our big surprise, won’t she, Jack?” Of course he had no idea what I was talking about, but he was a sharp one, my Jack, and he went along with it.

“Yes, my dear, she will,” he said, giving me a look that said he wondered what I was up to.

“Well, Mama, Jack and I have been talking about this, and we’ve decided to sign over my inheritance.”

“Oh, Cruella! Are you sure?” Mama asked. Her entire demeanor changed. She went from sulk-ing and angry to looking quite jubilant in an instant.

“Of course we’re sure,” said Jack. “We have more money than we could possibly need for many lifetimes over.” Oh, how I loved my Jack. We hadn’t, of course, talked about this, but I knew he wouldn’t mind.

“Yes, Mama. What’s my fortune compared to Jack’s? We don’t need it, but you do! It makes sense. I so wanted to surprise you with the news after we got home from our honeymoon. All that’s left is to let Sir Huntley know so he can bring over the paperwork for us to sign.”