As I looked around the table, I noticed someone was missing. “Where is Mrs. Web?” I asked.

“Oh, she takes her meals in her sitting room,” said Mrs. Baddeley, rolling her eyes and making a funny gesture with her hands as if she were the fanciest woman alive.

“Oh, does she? So Miss High-and-Mighty is too grand to eat with the other servants?” I asked, making everyone laugh and breaking the ice. It was so lovely to see all of them at the table, smiling and enjoying themselves. All of the housemaids were talking and giggling when Mrs. Baddeley interrupted their reverie.

“Mr. Jackson, could we perhaps have Jean turn on the wireless? I think there is a Christmas concert tonight.”

Jackson’s face brightened.

“That’s a wonderful idea, Mrs. Baddeley, and while we’re at it, I don’t see the harm in getting a bottle from the cellar. It is Christmas, after all,” he said with a wink.

It was such a grand evening of eating, drinking, and listening to Christmas music on the wireless. Anita had thought to bring down some Christmas crackers, so everyone was wearing festive paper hats while we dined on Mrs. Baddeley’s magnificent feast.

“I would like to propose a toast,” I said, standing up. “To Mrs. Baddeley, for this delicious meal!”

“To Mrs. Baddeley!” everyone cheered. Even Jackson looked festive, wearing his paper crown merrily, even though we’d had to talk him into wearing it at first. It was a happy night, full of laughter, food, and, yes, family.

I loved seeing all their happy faces, all of them gathered together. Eating downstairs was so much more fun than eating up in the dining room. No one was scolding me to act like a lady. Everyone passed great bowls and platters of food around the table, helping themselves to as much as they liked. Jackson carved the beef Wellington, like he was the father of this little family. Mrs. Baddeley had made sure to make all of mine and Anita’s favorites.

“Oh, Mrs. Baddeley, you wonderful dear woman, you remembered how much I love your cheese straws!” Anita cried with delight. Mrs. Baddeley smiled between bites of beef Wellington.

“Oh yes, my dear. I have remembered all your favorites. And Miss Cruella’s as well.”

“I see that, Mrs. Baddeley,” I said, looking at the side table laden with lemon tarts, little cookies covered in powdered sugar, a rum and walnut cake, and a three-tiered cake covered in white icing. “And the pudding looks amazing. But I wonder if we will have room after eating all of this?” I scooped more roasted potatoes and carrots onto my plate.

“Oh, you haven’t seen the half of it. You haven’t even seen my surprise,” she said.

“There’s more?” Anita asked. “I can’t even imagine how that’s possible!”

Then I remembered. Their gifts! “I was so excited for our little party I forgot to present you with your gifts! Let me run upstairs and get them!”

“No, Miss Cruella.” Jackson put a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Sit. We still have pudding. Mrs. Baddeley has been working on your surprise all day. Besides, you are our gift this evening. We’re so happy to have you and Miss Anita with us.”

“Yes!” said Jean.

“Oh, please stay. You can give us our gifts later,” said Paulie.

“See, these people love you, Cruella,” Anita said under her breath. “Who else could get Jackson to wear a paper crown?”

“Well, Mrs. Baddeley, I think it’s time Paulie brings in your crowning Christmas achievement,” said Jackson, giving Mrs. Baddeley a little nudge and wink.

“Yes, Paulie. Go on. It’s on the silver tray sitting on the counter,” she said, adding, “Jean, go help her. And don’t go stumbling and ruining Miss Cruella’s surprise.” I laughed. Mrs. Baddeley wasn’t a terrible woman at all. If Jackson was the father of this family, surely Mrs. Baddeley was its mother.

“I’m sure they will do just fine, Mrs. Baddeley,” said Jackson.

And then it arrived. The largest, most magnificent jelly I had ever seen. It was raspberry, of course, and suspended within were cherries and tiny oranges. It didn’t seem possible to create such a large jelly without breaking it as it came out of the mold. She had decorated it beautifully, with thick whipped cream flowers. I felt like a little girl again. It was the most wonderful surprise of all. A strange feeling pricked at my eyes, and I realized they were wet with tears. And in that moment, I decided I liked jellies more than almost anything, because this dear woman had made them for me.

“Oh, Mrs. Baddeley. I love it. Thank you,” I said getting up and kissing her on the cheek. “I am so thankful to have you, and for spending this evening with all of you.” Mrs. Baddeley embraced me tightly. When I came away, I had flour on my dress. But this time, I didn’t care.

After dinner the servants talked Anita and me into staying for a glass of mulled wine, and to sing Christmas songs before we went upstairs. My heart felt full and my face was flushed. My ghosts weren’t ghosts. They were people, and they loved me. Anita was right. They were my family.

And then the bell rang.

We weren’t expecting guests. But Jackson quickly put on his jacket so he could go upstairs to see who it was. “It’s likely just children caroling, Miss Cruella. I won’t be more than a moment.”

“Oh, wouldn’t it be lovely if we all went up to give them a little something? The poor mites,” I said.

“Oh, yes!” said Paulie. “I know. Let’s give them some of the chocolates your mother sent us. It would be a nice treat for them.”