“Why in the many kingdoms did she let them leave?” Circe asked, throwing up her hands. She tried not to be frustrated with the old woman, but she couldn’t help it.

Snow White frowned at her cousin. “Don’t blame her, Circe. She thought she was doing the right thing. They wanted to go home.”

“But they have no home to go to! Everything there is ruined. Their sister is dead. They know nothing of the events that happened after their deaths. They’re lost and alone, and who knows what kind of powers Primrose has! She has Manea’s blood, and they were empowered by all those flowers in the field! And Mrs. Tiddlebottom isn’t safe here with all these flowers. You read what Rapunzel’s kingdom is capable of doing to possess the flower’s magic.”

“Circe, calm down. Everything will be fine. Let’s pack up Gothel’s old library and then go straight to the dead woods. I bet we will get there before Primrose and Hazel do, since they left on foot.”

“Okay, that’s a good plan,” Circe agreed. “Will you ask Mrs. Tiddlebottom if she has some crates so we can pack up the books?”

Snow White smiled. “Of course.” And she went off to the kitchen, leaving Circe alone with her thoughts.

Circe. Hello? Are you there?

It was Nanny. Circe took her hand mirror out of her pocket.

Circe! You have to come to the Fairylands as soon as possible. Your mothers escaped from the dreamscape and we are afraid you and Snow are in danger.

“How did they escape?” Circe asked. But she thought she knew.

Circe wiped the mirror without another word, making Nanny’s face disappear. “Show me Pflanze!” Circe called out. And then she saw her. The cat lay motionless on the floor of the solarium right where her mothers’ bodies had been lying since they had used their magic to destroy Ursula. “Oh, Pflanze!”

Snow ran back into the room, her big eyes wide with worry. “Circe, what’s wrong? Is Pflanze here?” She was looking around the room for the majestic creature.

“No, look!” Circe showed Snow the image of the lifeless, beautiful cat in the mirror.

Snow White gasped in horror.

“Pflanze!” Tulip appeared in the mirror, dropping to her knees beside Pflanze. “Oh my goodness, what’s happened to you?” Snow and Circe watched her weep over the poor cat.

Snow White touched the mirror, frantically calling out to the princess. “Tulip, is she okay? Is she alive? What happened?”

“The mirror doesn’t work that way, Snow. Tulip can’t hear us.” Circe wiped the mirror again and summoned Nanny. “Show me Nanny.”

Nanny’s face appeared instantly. Circe! What happened?

“I checked in on Pflanze. It looks like something’s happened to her. Tulip is with Pflanze now, but I have no way to speak with her.”

I’ll send word to Oberon. I thought Pflanze had something to do with this. I think it was she who released your mothers from the dreamscape.

“I think so, too. That’s why I summoned her. Nanny, if Pflanze used her powers to release my mothers, she may not have survived the ordeal.”

I know, my dear. I know. Let me send word to Oberon now so he can check on Pflanze. In the meantime, I want you to take Snow back to her own kingdom, and for you to come directly here to the Fairylands.

“I want to, Nanny, but I can’t. We have to go to the dead woods. The rapunzel flower has grown in Mrs. Tiddlebottom’s field. Primrose and Hazel have woken up and they’re headed there now.”

We don’t have time for you to be flying off to the dead woods, Circe! Not with your mothers loose! You can’t help every single person in need. You’ll destroy yourself in the process if you try!

“But, Nanny, we have to! My mothers are responsible for the destruction of Hazel and Primrose’s home, and the death of their sister! They’ve been dead for hundreds of years. I can’t just let them stumble upon the ruins of their lives. I can’t let them suffer that alone.”

Very well, my girl. But please stay safe. Your mothers are going to start searching for you. You have to be quick in the dead woods, my dear. Very quick. Enchant those girls, pack them up, and bring them directly here to the Fairylands if you have to. I want you here with me. I can’t lose another daughter. I just can’t.

Circe’s heart broke for Nanny. “I’ll be careful, Nanny, I promise.”

I love you, my girl. Now go, and get here as quickly as you can.

“I love you, too, Nanny.” And Circe ran her hand across the mirror, making Nanny disappear. She slipped the mirror back into the pocket of her skirt.

“Oh, Snow. If Pflanze released my mothers, I’m afraid we’re both in danger. I know how to handle them, but you…I’m worried about you.”