Rapunzel watched Eugene sail away on his boat. Gothel could see her flower was heartbroken. She believed Eugene had betrayed her and that the only person in the world who really loved her was her mother, who was waiting for her with open arms. Rapunzel melted into a heap of tears and cried in her mother’s embrace. “You were right, Mother. You were right about everything.”

“I know, darling, I know.”

“Now, wash up for dinner. I’m making hazelnut soup!” Rapunzel was back in her room, at home with her mother. Heartbroken. Her mother was acting like it was just any other day. It wasn’t. Rapunzel had thought she was going to have a life. A real life! But she was trapped in the tower again, never to leave, never to love. Her mother was right: the world was a horrible place.

“I really did try, Rapunzel. I tried to warn you what was out there. The world is dark, selfish, and cruel. If it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine, it destroys it.”

Like my sisters, Gothel thought.

Rapunzel opened her clenched fist. She had been holding on to one of the purple flags from the celebration. On it was a golden sun, just like the sun on the King’s and Queen’s clothing in the mural. Just like the suns in the murals she had painted on her bedroom ceiling. Everywhere she looked there were suns and more suns.

Then it hit her. She fell backward into her vanity. In that moment, she knew. In that moment, it all made sense.

She was the lost princess.

“Rapunzel? Rapunzel, what’s going on up there? Rapunzel, are you all right?” said Gothel, walking up the stairs to see what the commotion was.

Rapunzel was in shock. She stood on the landing, just looking at Gothel, seeing her for the foul woman she was. “I’m the lost princess.”

“Please speak up, Rapunzel. You know how I hate the mumbling.”

“I am the lost princess. Aren’t I?” Rapunzel gave Gothel a wrathful look and continued. “Did I mumble, Mother? Or should I even call you that?”

“Oh, Rapunzel, do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?”

“It was you! It was always you.”

“Everything I did was to protect you.” My flower.

Rapunzel shoved Gothel and ran past her down the stairs. “Rapunzel!”

“I spent my entire life hiding from people who would use me for my powers,” said Rapunzel, walking away from her mother.

“Rapunzel!” called Gothel, going after her.

“And all this time I should have been hiding from you!” Gothel couldn’t believe how angry Rapunzel was.

“Where will you go? He won’t be there for you!” said Gothel, desperate to keep her flower.

“What did you do to him?”

“That criminal will be hanged for his crimes.”


“Now, now, it’s all right. Listen to Mommy, all of this is as it should be.” She reached to touch Rapunzel’s hair, but Rapunzel snatched her mother’s hand in hers, and then she saw it. Her mother’s hand was like a claw. Like a witch’s hand.

“No, you were wrong about the world. And you were wrong about me. And I will never let you use my hair again,” Rapunzel shouted, pushing Gothel backward into a mirror, smashing it.

“You want me to be the bad guy? Fine, now I’m the bad guy.” Gothel slapped Rapunzel across the face, knocking her to the floor. “Is this what you want?”

“Mother! No!”

“I’m not your mother, remember! I’m just the witch who stole you from your real family!”

“Please! Please don’t hurt me!”

“I wouldn’t hurt you, dear! You think you know my story. You have it all written in your mind! You know nothing of my life, Rapunzel, or why I’ve made the choices I have.” She put her knife to Rapunzel’s throat as she chained her up.