“Gothel is going to kill the little man in the diaper!” screeched Ruby.

“Let her! He’s obscene!” said Martha.

“No, Sisters. He’s just told her where the secret tunnel from the Snuggly Duckling lets out. She’s going to find them! She’s going to find Rapunzel and Flynn.”

“No, she won’t!” said Ruby, casting her hand at the mirror.

“What did you do?” yelled Lucinda.

“I made sure they went another way.”

“You almost killed them!” shouted Lucinda, watching in horror images flashing before them in their many mirrors.

“But I didn’t! They’re safe in the cavern.”

“Ruby! The cavern is flooded. The dam is broken!”

They watched Rapunzel cry in the flooded cavern. “They’re trapped,” screamed Martha.

“I’m so sorry, Flynn,” said Rapunzel.

“Eugene,” he said, correcting her.


“My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert. Someone might as well know.”

The sisters laughed. “There is no time for flirting, you fools!” Lucinda was screaming into the mirrors. “Are they giving up? Wait, no, listen!”

“I have magic hair that glows when I sing. I have magic hair that glows when I sing!”

“Ah! She’s figured out a way out of the cavern!”

“Smart girl! Smart girl!” said Ruby and Martha, dancing in circles and clicking their heels on the floor. “Smart girl!”

“Sisters, shhh! We’d better keep watching to make sure they get to the castle safely. Wait! Look! Gothel is at the duck door!”

“Duck door?”

“The duck door, Ruby! The end of the secret passage from the pub! Never mind! She is talking to those ruffians! Making some sort of deal. She’s up to something!”

“Didn’t you say it was already written? Why are you worried, Lucinda?”

“It’s odd looking into the future, Sisters. Though it is likely to come to pass, what we see isn’t always fixed,” she said. “So keep your eyes on all the mirrors and tell me if Gothel is up to any more of her trickery!”

Gothel was watching Rapunzel and Flynn Rider huddled together near a fire. She could see the two were becoming closer, sitting there all cozily together, sharing stories and making eyes at each other.

“Oh gods, this is sickening!” said Gothel, watching the young couple talk. They are becoming a couple, aren’t they? She had to break the bond between them. She had gone about all of this the wrong way. All of it! Maybe the odd sisters were right.

“Of course we’re right!” said the odd sisters from Gothel’s hand mirror.

Gothel snatched it out of her pocket and narrowed her eyes at Lucinda. “What do you see in those mirrors? Do you see the future? Do you know how this is going to end? All I want is to bring my sisters back! Please! Just help me. I’ll give the girl back to her parents afterwards, I promise!”

The odd sisters laughed. “Maybe if you actually loved Rapunzel, she wouldn’t be running away from you now. Maybe if you’d actually raised her and created a real home and life for her, she wouldn’t be falling in love with the first boy she met!”

“Oh! The way Circe loves you?” snapped Gothel, her words like a dagger.

“I told you not to mention her name!” said Lucinda in a firm yet surprisingly calm voice that sent a hollow feeling through Gothel.