Even though much had changed outside the thicket, within the boundaries things were much the same. The years had not diminished her sisters; she had seen them when she went into their crypts, before Jacob pulled her out and brought her to the carriage house to rest. She was thankful death had not taken her sisters entirely. They looked as they always had. Sleeping, and beautiful. Her sisters. Together. Forever. Jacob had placed their mausoleums right on the border of the enchanted soil, close enough to preserve them but not close enough to raise them from the dead.

Jacob is clever, she thought. He and the odd sisters had seen to everything. They had even seen to her grief and provided her a companion in Pflanze. She felt robbed. Robbed of her memories, robbed of her sisters, and robbed of her grief. She didn’t even know how long she had been awake.

It was yesterday. You woke yesterday. You insisted on seeing your sisters. We told you you weren’t strong enough yet, but you insisted, and you fainted from exhaustion. Jacob put you here. It was closer than the main house.

Gothel looked around sharply. Was she hearing things now, too?

My witches did not rob you of your grief, young witch. They gave you the peace of mind you need to focus on bringing your sisters back. Isn’t that what you want?

It was Pflanze. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Gothel with her dazzling eyes. Gothel laughed. She had thought there was more to that cat than she was letting on. Leave it to Lucinda and her sisters to send her a talking cat.

“Of course that is what I want! But how do you suppose I do it?” Gothel asked.

I haven’t a clue. But you seem to think it has something to do with a flower.

“The flower! Yes. But one rapunzel flower isn’t strong enough to bring back the dead.”

It’s clearly strong enough to keep you young all these years while you slept.

“Oh! How long did I sleep? Maybe there’s more rapunzel!”

Gothel got up to go to the greenhouse, but she fell right back onto the divan. She felt faint and weak and couldn’t stand without getting dizzy.

You have to rest, Gothel. You were under an enchantment for a long time. Apparently, it’s exhausting to sleep for so many years.

“Apparently.” Gothel sighed. “Would you mind finding Jacob for me? I need to speak with him.”

He’s right outside the door. He is never very far away from you if he can help it. He’s been very worried about you, young lady. Please give the poor creature some peace of mind and let yourself heal.

There was a knock on the door. It opened before she could tell the person to come in. It was Jacob. “Gothel!”

“Jacob, I’m so sorry. I promise I won’t try to get up again until I’m healed. I’m so sorry I worried you.”

“No, Gothel, listen. I have a carriage and some wagons ready to take you and Pflanze out of here. I’ve already sent a raven to Pflanze’s mistresses to let them know where they can find you. You need to get out of here at once!”

“What do you mean? Why are you sending me away?”

“The kingdom is marching on the dead woods as we speak. They will be here within the hour, and I need you well away before they arrive.”

“Why? Why are they coming?”

“They want the rapunzel, Gothel. Their queen is ill and needs it. She is expecting a child, and the King is willing to do anything to save his queen and their baby.”

“But how do they know? I don’t understand. Who could have told them about the flower?”

“I don’t know, Gothel. I’m so sorry.”

“I can’t leave without my sisters! Without the flowers.”

“I know. I’ve put your sisters in wooden crates filled with all the rapunzel flowers. The flowers should keep them preserved during your journey. I made provisions should something like this ever happen. I have arranged a cottage for you and your sisters far from here.”

“You ripped out all the rapunzel?” Gothel was horrified.

“I had no choice! There is no time, Gothel! You have to leave at once!”

“How long will it take to get to this cottage? How far away is it? Will the flowers last?”

“They should last the journey,” he said.