They kept their eyes on Rapunzel, who was armed with a frying pan and cautiously approaching the wardr

obe, which had been locked tight with a green rocking chair. She quietly moved the chair away from the closet and quickly hid behind it.

“Flynn is in there!” screeched Martha. “She’s going to let him out?”

“Of course she’s going to let him out! Shhh! Let’s see what happens.”

“How did she learn to do all these tricks with her hair?” asked Martha, watching Rapunzel use her hair like a lasso to open the wardrobe door.

“We gave her free will in her dream. Everything that happened in the dream translates into real life for her. Now be quiet!”

The sisters laughed and laughed as they saw Flynn Rider fall face-first onto the floor. “Shhh! Sisters! Too loud!” Ruby said. The odd sisters looked around themselves, wondering who they might be bothering and why Ruby cared. “I don’t want Gothel to hear us!”

“Gothel can’t hear us unless we speak into her mirror! How many times do I have to explain this to you? I swear you two are becoming more featherheaded by the day!”

“Ha! Look! She tied him up!” said Ruby. “And her frog is slapping him to wake him up!”

“It’s a chameleon, Ruby. We gave it to her, remember! On her birthday! Shhh, Rapunzel is saying something.”

“We gave her a frog for her birthday?”

Lucinda sighed. “Yes. Well, no. We gave her the chameleon on her eighth birthday. Now keep up. For goodness’ sake, what’s wrong with you!”

“So the frog has been alone all this time in the tower while she slept? What did he do all day?”

“He slept, too! Now shut up!” said Lucinda. “Rapunzel is talking!”

“Struggling, struggling is pointless,” said Rapunzel.

“Oh, look at her trying to be brave!” said Lucinda. “Precious.”

The odd sisters saw the look of confusion on Flynn Rider’s face.

“Is this hair?” he said, trying to find the person the hair belonged to in the darkness.

“Oh, he’s a smart one!” said Martha sarcastically. “There’s no way we can count on this one to get Rapunzel to the castle. He’s useless. Look at him!”

“Sisters, shhh!” scolded Lucinda. “I think she’s talked him into taking her to see the lanterns in exchange for the stolen crown.”

“But that’s her crown!”

“I know! But Rapunzel doesn’t know that! He took it from the castle, remember? Keep up!”

“Wait! What? Shhh. Flynn is doing something weird, he’s about to say something!” The sisters listened as Flynn Rider spoke ominous words.

“All right, listen, I didn’t want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the smolder….”

“Lucinda! What’s ‘the smolder’? Is it a burning spell? Is he going to kill her?”

“No, dear. His so-called charms aren’t magical,” said Lucinda, laughing.

“What is he doing with his face? What’s he doing with his face?”

The sisters laughed. “He’s ridiculous! Like a silly, harmless Gaston!”

The sisters couldn’t stop laughing. They were laughing so hard they fell onto the floor again.

When the sisters finally stopped laughing, they realized it had all been decided. Flynn Rider had agreed to take Rapunzel to see the lanterns in exchange for the crown he had stolen.