A chill went through the ladies as they saw the odd sisters peering ominously in at them through the kitchen window.

“So, what’s this? Mutiny?” asked Lucinda as she and her sisters made their way through the kitchen door.

Mrs. Tiddlebottom’s heart almost stopped.

“Calm yourself, old woman! We don’t want you keeling over before you’re done making that beautiful cake!” said Lucinda.

“No, we couldn’t have that!” Ruby laughed. “That would be a shame!”

“Yes, I am so looking forward to having a slice of birthday cake!” said Martha.

“When was the last time we had birthday cake? Was it at Maleficent’s birthday?” asked Ruby.

“No, no! We didn’t have cake that day! It was all ruined. All destroyed. The stars were right! There was no cake! No cake for Maleficent! No cake for any of us!” said Martha, stamping her feet like a child having a tantrum.

The sisters were more frightening than Mrs. Pickle had imagined.

“Oh, you have no idea!” said Lucinda, laughing.

“And who is this? Mrs. Pickle, is it? What a strange name. I’m sure it should mean something, but I honestly don’t care.”

The sisters laughed and laughed, horrifying Mrs. Pickle and Mrs. Tiddlebottom.

“Sisters! You’re here!” said Gothel as she made her way into the kitchen, her arms outstretched. She was wearing the same dress as the odd sisters. It was uncanny to see the four of them with their matching dark ringlets, pale faces, tiny red lips, and pink circles painted on their cheeks, all of them looking like terrifying marionettes. Mrs. Tiddlebottom could tell the odd sisters were in shock from seeing Gothel dressed like that.

“Gothel. Hello!” said Lucinda, hardly knowing what else to say.



“Oh! I saw you in your mirror. The one you left here. The one you thought to pass off as my mother’s so you could spy on me,” said Gothel to the confused odd sisters.

“You gave Gothel one of our mirrors?” yelled Ruby. “Stop giving away all our treasures, Lucinda!”

“We did no such thing, Gothel!” said Lucinda. “I left it as a gift. It was a way for you to contact us when you saw fit to do so.”

“Then why hide it among my mother’s things? No matter! I treasure it! Let’s not dwell in the past! I’m so happy to have my sisters back at last!”

The odd sisters were speechless. They couldn’t quite get over her being dressed like them. And they weren’t entirely sure why she had invited them.

“I have so much to show you! So much to tell you! You won’t believe the progress I’ve made!” said Gothel like an excited child sharing a favored piece of artwork with her parents.

“We, uh, can’t wait to see it,” said Lucinda, wondering if they had made the right decision in coming to see Gothel.

“Come with me! Come now!” said Gothel, dragging the sisters toward the cellar door.

“What about the birthday girl?” said Martha, looking around, trying to spy her.

“What about her?” snapped Gothel. “What do you want with her?” Gothel’s face transformed into something monstrous.

“We just wanted to wish her a happy birthday, that is all. It can wait!” said Ruby.

“Yes, it can wait!” said Gothel, smiling at the odd sisters.

“Oh yes! Let’s wait! Show us what you’re so excited about, Gothel,” said Lucinda, letting Gothel lead them down to the cellar.

Mrs. Tiddlebottom found it amusing to see the odd sisters so frightened of Gothel. She wondered what it was they knew about her that caused such fear. Then again, Mrs. Tiddlebottom didn’t know much, and everything within her was telling her to leave the house at once. And she would have if it weren’t for Rapunzel. She couldn’t leave her little girl alone with those witches. Because surely that was what they were.