“He said he loved you?”

“I think the words slipped out. But isn’t that the best kind of declaration? When it comes from the subconscious?”

She had a point. He sighed. “Brandon loves you.”

“Yes, and I hope this brings you and me closer. We share a love of books, but I’d like more than that. I want us to spend time together. Maybe one day you’ll be more than a friend.”

A brother-in-law.

Did that mean John would be in his life forever?

He took three consecutive sips of his red.

“From that first day spying him in your pool, I was attracted. The feelings grew wildly from there.”

“You haven’t known him very long.”

“When you click with someone on a deeper level, time doesn’t matter. Or it does, in that you want to spend more of it with them.”

“Don’t you think love is better shown than said?”

“Yes, and he is showing it.” She nodded vigorously and squeed. “He wants to know my family better. He offered to take the rest of the week off work and help John move Mum to a home in Christchurch.”

“You’ll be away for a week?”

“No, he’s going in my place. It’s an emotional time for me and he’s supporting me.”

“Won’t your mum wish you were there?”

“She’ll be fine. She doesn’t remember much. Might even think Brandon is Dad when he was young.”

Cameron didn’t know much about Isabella and John’s situation, but he felt the pain of it under Isabella’s casual words. Still, he didn’t understand why she wouldn’t overlook that this time, for her mum’s sake. Then again, family relationships didn’t have a one-size-fits-all rule.

His gaze lifted to the window, to his home behind the fence.

“Anyway, I’m all alone until next Monday, so we have to hang out. Especially over the weekend and Friday night!”

He nodded slowly. Maybe he’d get to know her properly. See more of what Brandon saw in her. They loved the same books, after all . . . “Sure. Just not Friday.”

“Why not?”

“Henry’s brother is returning and I was invited to his party.”

She perked. “A party? You have to let me come with you.”

“It’s not my party. Henry and Georgie are throwing it.”

“Henry won’t mind. Tell him what a miserable thing I am. All alone here, fretting about my mum, missing Brandon . . .”

“Um, well. I guess I could ask?”

She dinged his glass with hers again and winked. “Excellent. I have a cute crimson dress I’ve been wanting to show off.”

A whistle trailed down the hall, followed by a heavy gait. John grinned when he spotted Cameron.

“Brandon’s out front,” he said to Isabella. “Doesn’t want to take his shoes off. I told him to wear them inside, but he wouldn’t.”

“Because he knows the meaning of respect, John.” She shook her head, laughing.

“Off you go, kiss your lover boy goodbye. I came for cash. You’re still on the hook for gas.”

Isabella slipped two twenties from her pocket and rushed to chat with Brandon.

“No shagging,” he called after her. “We’re leaving in two minutes.”

John lifted his cap an inch and rubbed his goatee, eyeing Cameron as he paced in front of the fireplace. “You didn’t take up my offer to sleep here.”

“I didn’t want to.”

John glanced outside and nodded. “Too close to home.”

Cameron drained the rest of his wine and stood. “I’d better leave too.”

“Cute, isn’t it? How much your brother and my sister are in love.”

“Very. I hope they’re happy.”

“I hope so too. Are you happy?”

He was happy to be meeting Henry in half an hour. Nervous and excited by the promise of ‘later.’ He shivered and chewed his bottom lip.

John followed the motion and beamed. He stepped closer. “I’ll take that as a shy yes.”

Cameron’s eyes darted to the door. He’d have to pass John to get there, or run through the archway to the kitchen and loop back down the hall.


No more running away.

He lifted his chin. “I hope your week goes well. I’ve got to get going.”

“I heard you’re a good singer.”

Huh? Cameron hesitated. “I mean, I like singing.”

“I’d like to hear you sometime. Belle said my attempt at ‘Love Is In The Air’ needed improving. What do you think?”

Huskily, John sang the first verse, gaze locked hungrily on him. Cameron fought not to run away. He would face John. Deal with him.

No matter how uncomfortable.

He glanced wistfully toward the arch and kitchen.

John finished with the tip of his cap and preened.

“Very . . . intense,” Cameron said. “Try toning it down a bit, maybe pick a song that fits your vocal range.”

“You’re not auditioning me for one of your films.” John laughed. “Did it make you feel something?”

“It definitely did that.”

“I knew it!” John grabbed Cameron by the upper arms and hauled him into a kiss. Wet lips mashed against Cameron’s shocked ones, and John let him go. “I’d better not start, or I won’t know how to stop.”