Cameron gaped at him.

What the hell just happened?

“Have a good week, Cameron. I’ll be thinking of you.”

John started for the door and Cameron called after him. “John, no, no.” When John didn’t turn back, Cameron lurched into the hall after him. “Don’t go.”

John winked. “I feel the same way, honey. It’s only a week. Won’t be long.”

“No, you don’t understand. That kiss. I wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t want that.”

At the door, John turned, a gentle frown cutting his brow. “You weren’t expecting it? Oh.” He nodded slowly. “I understand.”

Isabella came up behind him and delivered a smacking kiss to his cheek. “Drive safely. I don’t want anything happening to my boys.”

John scoffed. “I was born to drive.” After another lingering look at Cameron, he hiked to his convertible where Brandon sat in the passenger seat.

Thank God John had taken his rejection so easily. He’d been expecting more resistance. Cameron sort of felt bad, but hopefully the trip away would clear any lingering disappointment.

They backed out of the driveway and Cameron waved them off.

Cameron: Sorry I’m running late. Apologize to your dad?

Henry: Done. He’s not smoldering with impatience. He likes you.

* * *

Cameron: The bus lost its trolley wires and it took forever to get going again. Be there soon.

* * *

Henry: Georgie said you visited Isabella?

* * *

Cameron: Yes, will tell you all later.

* * *

Cameron: Also, must tell you what John did.

* * *

Henry: What did John do now?

* * *

Cameron: Not over text.

* * *

Henry: You can’t keep me in suspense like this.

* * *

Cameron: Let’s find a way to talk during dinner.

Difficult to achieve.

From the moment Cameron sat next to Georgie at the white-linen table, he was roped into an inquisition by Mr. Tilney.

Mr. Tilney kept flattening his silver tie, and next to him—diagonal to Cameron through the flicker of candlelight—Henry quietly observed. He’d changed out of his teacher clothes into a shirt, his leather jacket. To his dad’s grimace, he tossed the jacket over his chair. His hair was loosely styled, dark locks falling over his forehead, and intelligent eyes absorbed Cameron as he answered questions.

Henry sat stiffly in his chair, barely speaking. He knew Mr. Tilney had hurt Henry, but Cameron was finding it difficult to keep that in mind. Mr. Tilney was good natured, smart, and spoke positively about both his kids.

Cameron tried to keep his gaze squarely on Mr. Tilney, but it kept straying to Henry.

Georgie elbowed him in the ribs.

“Sorry, I missed that last question.”

“It is louder in here than usual. Too close to the kitchens. I heard two plates break already.”

An aproned waiter overheard the comment, and glanced toward Mr. Tilney, who stared pointedly back. “And someone has overdone it with their cologne.”

The waiter scurried away.

“I was asking how you enjoyed the cliffs?”

Cameron focused a smile on Georgie and turned back to Mr. Tilney. “It’s lovely out there.”

“Tell me about your day.”

Their dinners arrived, wafting the most delicious aromas of finely blended spices that matched the heaviness of their paired wines.

Cameron gave an account of his day with Georgie, hesitating as he neared the end. “She then took me to meet my brother’s girlfriend, who had some happy news to share.”

Henry leaned in, shifting cutlery over his china plate. “What happy news?”

“She and Brandon are serious. They love each other.”

Mr. Tilney smiled. “Love is a wonderful thing. Especially between kids your age.”

Georgie giggled and ran a hand up Cameron’s arm to his neck.

“How did her brother take that?” Henry asked smoothly, voice barely affected. But Cameron caught the curious spark in his eyes.

“A little too enthusiastically.”

“In what way?”

“He started singing, for starters.”

“Singing what?”

Cameron reddened. ‘“Love Is In The Air.’”

Henry pinched his wine and swirled it, jaw twitching.

“He wasn’t any good,” Cameron hurriedly added.

“What else did he do?”


Henry set his wine down. “He kissed . . . Isabella?”

Georgie and Mr. Tilney were listening politely. “Isabella. Yes. He kissed her.”

Mr. Tilney frowned. “Did I misunderstand, or did the brother kiss his sister?”

“Innocently. On the cheek, surely,” Henry said.

“Well, it was all a big shock, because no. He kissed . . . Isabella on the mouth.”

Henry looked like he wanted to pounce out of his seat. “I’m positive Isabella didn’t return the kiss.”

“Of course not! She was scandalized! She made it clear that he shouldn’t do it again.”

“That John needs more manners. He doesn’t know when he’s being inappropriate.”

Mr. Tilney hummed. “Mighty inappropriate indeed. Sounds like the clown sort. Takes everything a little too far.”

Cameron nodded. “Yes, he did. Poor Isabella washed her face over and over and came out wishing . . . Brandon could kiss the taste of John off him.”

Georgie lifted her fork. “Mmm, this fish is delicious.” She turned it toward Cameron, fork suspended. “Try.”

“My chicken’s good too . . .”

Her gaze locked onto his. “Take a bite.”

Mr. Tilney’s calculating gaze sent a prickly heat over him. He tasted Georgie’s lemony fish and moaned. “Delicious.”